Chapter 6 (Goodbye For Now...)

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Disclaimer: This Chapter Will Be Emotional...

After coming out of the tunnels, it felt like I was back to reality, and everything that had happened had ceased to exist. I had strong feelings for Steve but didn't have the heart to tell him I was moving away. So, I decided to leave behind a letter, hoping that he would find it. Being back home after the madness in less than 24 hours was strange. It felt like no time had passed, and my mom didn't even seem to notice that I was gone. Our house was already filling up with boxes as we were getting ready to pack and leave for the trip that I had been dreading all this time. During my mission to explore the town, I had the chance to meet a great group of people whom I won't be able to see anymore, especially Steve, who had taken a piece of my heart when he probably didn't even know it.

As I looked out of my window, I saw a U-Haul truck pulling into our driveway. This meant I didn't have much time left to write a letter expressing my feelings before bidding goodbye. The thought of starting this letter made me nervous, but I knew it was essential to let Steve know what our time meant to me. He deserved to know my true feelings, and I hoped he felt the same way.

Dear Steve,

"I'm sorry to write this to you, even though we didn't spend much time together. I was lost and scared when we first met in the woods, but you found me through my music. We learned about Demogorgons and the danger those kids were in, and it was a surreal experience. When we fought to protect them, I felt a rush of adrenaline and a newfound desire to protect you. It was in your arms that I felt safe and comforted. But I've been keeping something from you, and I need to tell you in this letter."

I stopped when I heard my mother calling out to me. That's when I noticed the glistening behind my eyes, which made me quickly clean myself up and prepare to leave. As I stepped outside, I saw our car fully packed with the U-Haul attached to the back. It was time to say goodbye to my time in Hawkins. Before we got into the car, I asked my mom to stop by the school one last time. She hesitated before saying, "Whatever it is, make it quick. We have no time to waste." As we approached the school entrance, I told my mom to drop me off so I could go inside. I promised I would be back in time for the drive to Chicago. I entered the building, and it was hushed in the hallway. Walking down the corridor, I heard a commotion coming from the gym.

As I peeked through the window, I saw Steve Harrington playing basketball with other students. He was having fun and seemed to be enjoying himself. I felt sad about leaving him with the letter and wondered what he would think. After leaving the gym, I went to Steve's locker and carefully put the letter inside. Before leaving the school, I found another gym section where I could watch the basketball practice without being seen. I watched Steve play and admired his skills. I hoped he would always have people who loved him around him. As I left the school with my mom, I looked back and knew it was the start of a new adventure without Steve.

Steve's POV

Steve had just finished his basketball practice and was preparing to shower. As he left the locker room, he took her Walkman from his backpack and turned it on. The vibrations of the music humming through his ears reminded him of his past experiences with a certain someone. He wanted to see her again but didn't know where she lived. As the day ended, he went to his locker to gather his belongings. While doing so, he noticed an envelope with his name on it that had fallen out of his locker. Although he did not recognize the handwriting, he was curious about its contents, so he put it in his bag and went home.

When he finally arrived home, everything seemed to come to a standstill. He went to his room and lay on his bed, listening to the music playing in the background. He felt like Linda was close by and could wrap his arms around her to ensure her safety. Suddenly, he remembered the envelope he had left in his backpack and returned to his room to retrieve it. A familiar scent wafted through his nose as he tore open the envelope. The letter had a personal touch, and he could feel its emotions. He sat on his bed and started to read the letter to himself.

"As you read this, I will soon go to Chicago. I couldn't say goodbye to you in person, and just writing this letter hurts enough. Before we met, I felt like I didn't belong here. To make matters worse, I found out that my parents were getting a divorce. Everything came crashing down around me, and I wanted to run away and never look back. But then I stumbled upon you, and everything changed. Just being around you made me feel like I wasn't alone anymore. You always saw the good in me and made sure I was protected at all costs. Learning about this town made me more curious, but our time together was cut short. I'm glad you are the owner of my music, and I hope you'll remember me by listening to my playlist. It symbolizes my existence, and I ask that you hold it dear to your heart. Steve Harrington, I'll never forget you. You're the only boy who made me feel like I had a purpose in life. I hope we meet again. Love, Linda."

As Steve read the last sentence repeatedly, tears were streaming down his face. The mere thought of being unable to see Linda was unbearable for him. All he wanted was to hold her in his arms, but the reality was that she was leaving. He wasn't even allowed to say goodbye or see her one last time, and that thought haunted him. Memories of what could have been flashed through his mind, and the sound of Linda's music blasting behind him was the only thing keeping him from breaking down completely. He knew that Linda loved him, and that thought was what he held onto. Even though she was leaving, his love for her was undeniable.

During the ride to Chicago, I couldn't stop thinking about Steve. I had written a letter to him expressing my feelings, and I was sure he had already read it. I had finally admitted my true feelings towards him. However, I didn't know how he felt about me. I didn't want to get my hopes up for nothing. My heart was hurting, and the thought of seeing Steve again only worsened. I closed my eyes and tried to find comfort that I existed with Steve before I left town.

Back in Hawkins

It felt like yesterday when Linda was a part of Hawkins, but now, the SnowBall dance was the center of attention.

The children are preparing for their school dance, and Dustin is waiting for Steve, who will give him a ride. Steve is known as 'The Hair' Harrington, and he has shared some tips and tricks with Dustin to get his hair ready to perfection for the night. Finally, they set off to the school and prepared for a memorable evening.

Before entering the school, Steve stopped the car to wait for Dustin. Dustin checked his hair in the mirror before going in. Steve noticed and reassured Dustin that he looked great.

Steve: Come on, You look great, okay? You look... You look great. Okay? Now you're gonna go in there...

Dustin: Yeah.

Steve: Look like a million bucks.

Dustin: Yeah.

Steve: And you're gonna slay them dead.

Dustin: Like a lion. [purrs]

Steve: Don't do that, okay?

Dustin: Okay.

Steve: Good Luck.

As Dustin was leaving the car, he asked Steve about Linda, who had been a part of their recent adventure but was nowhere to be seen anymore. Steve wasn't ready to talk about Linda yet, as her memory was still fresh. The mention of her name brought back memories of their escape from the tunnels, and holding her at that moment brought him the comfort he never wanted to let go of. Dustin noticed the hurt in Steve's eyes and felt something was wrong. Steve explained that Linda had left Hawkins and that he had found a letter she had left behind. He would not give up on her and hoped she would not forget about him. Dustin told Steve that Linda looked at him differently, not just as a friend. Steve smiled and whispered as he drove away, "I hope you don't forget about me, Linda."

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