Data dump

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Phil looked at his phone. He was following the instructions he had been given by the Project X team but it didn't seem to be the right place. He stopped his truck and looked at his phone again. He thought he was a road out or maybe had another corner to turn. He put down his phone and accelerated.

His truck wouldn't move, he revved it more and the truck's tyres wheel-spun, It was like something was holding him back....wait a minute! He looked in his rearview mirror and there was lightning waving & laughing. He turned the truck off and got out.

"I should have guessed it was you" Phil smiled

Lightning finished laughing. "Ahh I got you good this time"

"What is it with you and cars?" Quizzed Phil

"I love cars, always have done. But I hate macho car man bull shit, so now I can do more than I could before and de-macho some jerks!" Said Lightning

"Wow, a lot of stuff you just unloaded there. Hey, I'm not a macho bullshit kinda guy" said Phil desperately

"I know, but you fun to wind up" laughed Lightning

"Anyway let's go, they're waiting" Lightning got in the car and directed Phil to the right place where the team had got together. Not that they didn't trust him, it was just a precaution. It was a short trip around the corner and down the road slightly to a moonbucks.

"Oh, very funny. You going to crush my car again?" asked Phil

"What is it with you guys? You got a monopoly on   Moonbucks?" joked Phil

"Clive says they are super easy to hack so he can control everything in that restaurant including g the security cameras" explained Lightning

"Nice, and what about the other customers?"

"He does something in the app diverting people away to get some offers or something, people love free shit. Clever stuff that nerd does!" said Lightning

The whole team were waiting.

"Good evening Phil" announced Professor Woods.

"Good evening" replied Phil.

They got straight down to business. Clive explained what the data dump from Anderson's laptop had revealed, and more importantly, could it lead them to Colonel Frank Thomas. There were details listing the arms deals and where the weapons came from, plans detailing transfer of money and purchase of military and naval equipment including vessels from a much larger arms dealer. They hit the jackpot as well, it listed ex-military personnel with dishonourable discharges, and there were four names. There were also details of the mercenary army hire.

"This is great work, I'm sure those names will lead us closer. Phil, we will send you the details of what Clive has been able to retrieve and see what the law enforcement systems say about those individuals. By the way Phil, how is Mr Anderson?" asked Professor Woods

"Well, he woke with a sore head in the ambulance. He got treated and then straight into a police car, currently, he is due for transfer to the serious crime investigations department. All of the weapons have been confiscated and we found some other illegal documents in his house. I must say that the staged fake crash was awesome. Even fooled the investigators, Mind you one noticed a couple of hand grips in the bodywork but I managed to pass that off as manufacture workshop errors. Great job guys" said Phil.

The meeting ended and the team split. It was now really waiting on Phil and what information he could get.

Phil found something. Something quite interesting.

 Something quite interesting

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