Chapter Twenty Five

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"A lot of people get so hung up on what they can't have that they don't think for a second about whether they really want it."

― Lionel Shriver, Checker and the Derailleurs

Dedication: @goodbyez (She's an amazing reader. Go check her works!)



My grandfather's death led me to fix my relationship with the other members of family. That is how a person he was.

The rebonding moment with my father lasts until the door is knocked; I stand up and he flashes me a smile - and it just feels so warming. Heading to the door, I leave them two to speak and open the door to find Calvin with a box of chocolate in hand.

"Chocolate," I breathe in awe, my eyes shamelessly fixated on them instead of him. It is true that I find chocolate the most attractive thing ever. Then, I take them from his hands and he chuckles.

"I guess you don't need me now."

I throw a serious glance at him. "Are you kidding me? I can't eat these all alone." With a sideway smile, I take his hand and lead him to the living room. "And I need you to meet my grandma."

"Jack - I don't know if it's the right time. Isn't she-"

Ignoring his nonsense mumbles, I go back to living room. My grandma and father are still sitting there talking and when they see me, their eyes light up - probably because of Calvin - and they turn their full attention to us.

"Welcome Calvin!" Grandma greets him with a warm smile. "Jacqueline told me a lot about you."

Arching his eyebrow at me before turning at my grandma, Calvin replies, "Likewise, ma'am." He looks at my father. "Oh, and nice to meet you,"-he extends his hand out-"Mr Pierce."

Dad shakes his hand. "Is Calvin your friend from school?"

"Yep." I catch my grandma looking at Calvin and I don't know why but her looks scare me a lot. "Oh, we - we have homework to do, don't we?" Remembering the 'is-he-serious' talk, I try my best to drag him out of here. At least, for now.

They all look at me in disbelief. Frankly, grandma and father in disappointment and Calvin puzzled. Because I'm the last person who would remember the homework Calvin doesn't, right?

"But we've just met darling and-"

"I know but this is urgent." I shoot an angry glance at Calvin who looks keen to stay. "We're running late - when was the deadline? Tomorrow."

"Yeah, uh, tomorrow," Calvin repeats, still puzzled and he doesn't even seem convincing! Oh, this boy. He clears his throat. "I'm so sorry for your loss, ma'am. From what Jack has told me, your husband was a remarkable man."

My grandma shakes her head. "He certainly was." I can read the sorrow through her face.

"So hope to see you later," Calvin says. "Good evening."

Minutes later, we are on my bed, he makes sure that he sits almost at the edge of it (ready to walk away whenever) and he rants about how we should've stayed downstairs. "It was totally disrespectful - why did you bring a nonexistent homework up?"

"Because..." I think of a reason that isn't about 'is-he-serious' conversation. "Because I don't like that talk - it makes me so emotional."

He rolls his eyes. "You are unbelievable."

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