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FREQUENT MEETINGS FOLLOWED THEIR LASTS, Atticus often finding himself in the Cod Empire in the afternoons for lunch and leaving without a bundle of flowers—meetings with no reason, not professionally. But perhaps Jane was right about the Codfather being Atticus' only friend, and friends didn't need a trade agreement to have lunch with each other, did they?

"I was speaking with Cassie's moms earlier," the Codfather told him before Atticus left for the day. Atticus turned to look at him. "They suggested having us over for breakfast tomorrow if you could make it? I'm sure another day would work, but Cassie wants it to be tomorrow." He chuckled. Atticus smiled at the thought of the little girl that had saved his life.

The smile fell when he realized what tomorrow meant. "I can't do tomorrow, not in the morning, anyway. I have to travel to House Blossom so Lady Katherine and I can discuss our trade deal. I believe we're both looking to update the terms."

The Codfather nodded, looking thoughtful for a moment. "May I travel with you? I've been meaning to talk to Lady Katherine about the seating arrangement for the meetings." His nervousness showed in the movements he made, wringing his hands together as though worried his presence would bother Atticus.

Atticus smiled, relieved at the thought of traveling with someone; he was also somewhat proud of the Codfather for wanting to ask. It was a step toward being confident enough to tell off fWhip and Sausage whenever they went too far, which was, in Atticus' opinion, far too often. "Of course. Thomas and I will pick you up just after six if that works for you?"

The Codfather relaxed, nodding quickly. "I'll see you in the morning, then. I'll wait by the gates."

If Atticus had learned anything about the Codfather, it was that he was not a liar. He was waiting by the gates by the time Thomas pulled the carriage up, hiding a yawn behind his hand before he greeted Thomas tiredly. Atticus was feeling a similar fatigue; it irked him that Lady Katherine had set up a meeting so early in the morning, but he would never say it to her face. He might not be as skilled at hiding his yawns, though.

Thomas opened the door and offered a hand to the Codfather; the blond chuckled, allowing Thomas to help him up. His eyes glinted in amusement when he saw Atticus sitting on the side of the carriage with the pillows and blankets.

"I fall asleep too often in here. It's more comfortable," Atticus defended though the man hadn't said anything.

The Codfather shrugged. "It sounds more comfortable," he agreed, though Atticus noted he sat on the bench rather than joining Atticus on the floor. A prick of embarrassment raced up Atticus' spine, but he decided to ignore it. If the Codfather had a problem with how Atticus chose to be comfortable in his own carriage, that was his problem.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now