10. Friends II

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I hope you look
At yourself
In the mirror.
And see your
Best friend.

I hope when someone
Says something mean
You, yourself are the first one.
To tell them,
That they don't get
To decide your worth.

I hope you will
Be the first person
To stand up for
Your rights.

I hope
You don't become
Your own enemy.

Instead I hope you
Find an Anam Cara
For yourself

I hope
You are the one
To give yourself treats,
The flowers,
The parties you want to go to.

That you become
A home,
For yourself.
An abode.
Not just a house,
Of cold.
But one with warmth.

I hope you,
Give yourself,
Without waiting for someone else,
To cut their thorns.

I hope you eat that
You've been dying to try,
Without worrying what if it makes
You fat.

I hope you buy that dress
You've been dying to.
And wear it.
Without worrying what will others say .

Be the best for yourself.
Don't worry.

And you will not,
When you're your best friend.
-Dating Yourself

-Dating Yourself

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