11. Monsters

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I don't know
What to feel

I'm such a mess
Of feelings.
That I don't know
What to feel and
What not to.

It's all so jumbled up
In my mind.
I don't know what to feel.

Sometimes I'm just
Full of self loathing
For myself.

But than,
I look at that past
And forgive her
For feeling that way.

It's important to
I've learnt.
Because if I don't
I'm still under
The bed.
Hiding from the monsters
Who reside there.

I will rather join hands
With the monsters
And ask them
I know they were not that
Way. Since the beginning.
A comment here,
A word there made them that.

In truth,
They're afraid of
Afraid to come and face
The harsh judgement
Of this world.
Hence,they take
Residence in the dark.

But, show your
Monsters kindness.
They yearn for it.
But they, don't know how
To ask for your kindness.

You've been so rough with them,
They feel safe
When you're afraid of them.
But in truth,
It is you they fear
Not the other way round.

Show kindness to them,
Take their hand in yours
And show them the wonder
Of day and light.
-Loving the dark.

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