Kirsty - Part 3 of 4

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At first, nothing happened, it was worse in a way than what I feared. 

'Maybe the guy is just a nasty troll, I can't believe he has mystical powers, whatever has happened it surely can't be related to comments on Wattpad,' my mum said. I decided to forget the whole thing, but then felt anxious about what Kirsty said about having a nap and waking up in the third dimension.

'I don't think he is a troll, ThePortalMaster is a very specific name, and it can't be a coincidence that someone from the second dimension ended up in ours after he trolled them on Wattpad and made comments about making their characters 3 dimensional.' My mum was unconvinced.

'If your accounts are in different dimensions, how do you even know it was the same guy?' she said. I made myself a cup of tea, my worries starting to dissipate.

This was a mistake. As I walked, the floor disappeared, replaced by a very, very thin edge of concrete, with a void on either side which seemed to stretch to infinity. The thought of what would happen if I slipped made me feel nauseous.

'I'm back in my dimension!' Kirsty said happily from behind me, she walked past me, I had no idea how, and she had no problems walking along the line. I tried to walk but I was so scared of slipping. There was nothing to grab onto because everything was flat and only along this one line. My feet started to wobble as I stood, rigid with terror.

I lowered myself down and sat on one side, and shuffled myself on my bum along the edge, feeling this was the safest option, although it was very uncomfortable and even painful; the edge was at points so sharp that it cut my hands like a paper cut. On one side of me there were clouds and a flat sun. The other side didn't have anything except some completely flat houses sticking out of the edge I was sitting on.

'Are you OK?' Kirsty shouted from some distance ahead. The houses on the street I had managed to shuffle along to looked very like mine but they were too flat to enter. And two dimensional people were walking back and forth along this completely flat line and giving me very strange looks.

'No, I'm not,' I said, almost losing my balance and slipping into the void. 'This bloody Portal Master better open a portal soon.' I shuffled along a few inches. Then a completely flat woman who looked like my mum came walking along.

'Kirsty, you're back,' Petal said, and then she looked at me.

'Why are you sitting on the ground like that?'

'I can't walk along the ground, it's two dimensional and I'll slip,' I gasped. Kirsty turned around.

'Yeah,' she said. 'I was scared this would happen.'

'Maybe you ought to come inside and have a cup of tea,' Petal said, and she pulled me to my feet. Although her body was flattened she was surprisingly strong. But the house was too flat for me to enter, I'd probably break it, or myself.

'Wait there,' Petal said and she disappeared into the house, as I wobbled on the line which was not designed for my 3 dimensional feet. Kirsty grasped my arm with her flat fingers. I pressed my hands against the side of Petal's house to stop myself falling into the void. To my relief the texture of the wall was scratchy making it easier to grip onto. I listened to the sound of a kettle being turned on, before Petal returned with a completely horizontal cup of tea. The flattened liquid clung to the top of the mug. I put it to my lips, taking care as I held it. To my surprise it was drinkable, and the side of the mug didn't slice my hand. It was like having a drink from a very hardened, very thin  carton. I looked around to see that clouds were forming above me, the sky looked like a painting of a grey scene rather than a real sky.

'Can I ask you a question?' I said to them.


'What happens if you fall into that void?' I wasn't sure how long I could keep my balance.

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