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Now that the human male is cleaned. He is taking to the exam table.
They will start the exam, they lay the human on his or her stomach .
In this case it's a him.
They make a small inshizen on the back of the neck. The human will never know, it's there.

They place a small chip., Where the human can be located at all times. Especially, if the human is released back into the wild. It sends data back as well, if they are released.

Measurements are taken, blood is drawn.
Then within an hour they know what to do with the human. Keep it release back in the wild.

If they are kept as pets, everything is documented, if the human looks unhealthy or to skinny. They will be updated , until the proper standers to be sold as a pet.

Collar goes on after the blood work comes back.
" He's all clear." Stan said. The human is starting to move around.
The sleeping fog is starting to wear off.

It's almost done anyways. They push a button and a square in the wall opens up and they put the human in there. This is usually when the human wakes up.

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