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After 3 days of traveling from the remnants of Saul Providence, Delta returned to SPC or the Sentinel Processing Camp. Or that's what the government refered to their prisons. Quietly after being debriefed Delta was placed into the observation room. Where he would remain under the eye of Vanessa and every other scientist in the facility until they were sure he was fully "cleansed" of the evils of the world. But Theta knew all too well what those words meant to beings like her. In other words,Delta would be thrown into solitary confinement and tested on once more to determine of he was close to deteriating or burning out due to the over excessive of their abilities.

Theta sighed slightly as she leaned her back against the cool metal wall behind her,all the while watching as her many brothers and sisters in arms. She noticed how many of them viewed their deeds to end conflict in the world. Or that's what Vanessa Ives called or anyway,but really she wanted to control everything. The Sentinels, the world. Everything. Vanessa was a greedy woman,vent on dominating the entire world if she could. And it made Theta sick to her stomach. She remained silent her long flowing obsidian hair blocking her lively cinnamon eyes from view. She preferred it this way,she preferred not to become attached to the others. Because she knew one day she knew they would all be annihilated when the time came.

By even though she knew that,Theta couldn't help but to feel a sort of attachment to Delta. He was different,Delta felt the same pain she felt being in this terrible situation. They were prisoners in this camp,with no one or nothing to depend on other than themselves and their own individual strength. Theta believed that it was possibly because of the fact that she and Delta had been created around the same time the two felt a certain kinship for each other,but it seemed to be something more bubbling beneath the surface. Something that the two had yet to discover nor understand.

The moment Theta found out that Delta had returned from his current mission from the outside, she felt a strange emotion tugging at her heart strings. She was concerns for him,for his wellbeing. Hearing the news of his return made Theta struggle with her already brewing emotions. She and others like her were trainee to shut off their emotions and fight. Fight and kill,that was all they were suppose to know. But Theta she clung to her emotions, doing her best to keep them hidden. Tucked away into the very fiber of her being. Although every time she believed she had her emotions under control,one would so happen to reach the very surface of her being when it came to Delta.

Theta placed her right hand over her chest,directly over the area where she wasn't top sure her heart remained. She felt a light thumping against her chest,which made the stone cold soldier smile. At times she wasn't too sue she was even human, slowly she began to believe that she was more monster than human. Yet the simplest sensation of her heart beating in her chest was enough to reassure the young woman one thing. She was human,more human than she and others ever realized.

Theta was soon shaken from her thoughts at the sudden movement of her fellow Sentinels. One by one the remaining 22 Sentinels along with the experimental Sentinels liner up against the wall. Clad in their black and crimson uniforms,each Sentinel lowered their heads towards the large steel door before them. Theta lowered her head as well in respect for her superior,as the automatic steel doors began to open revealing the familar form of Delta. He stood beyond the steel door clad in his black and crimson uniform. Yet his once flawless uniform was drenched in fresh blood. Theta couldn't help but to stare as Delta's perfect face was tainted with crimson blood which had splattered on his person.

Yet Delta didn't seem to be care much about his appearance as he strode through the hallway. Watching as his fellow Sentinels bowed to him,showing their upmost respect for him. But even with their admiring gazes upon him,he felt nothing. No joy,no appreciation. Nothing. That was until his uncovered burgundy eye made contact with Theta. It was true that he had known Theta since before she was even given that name. Back when the two of them were abandoned and given to the despicable Vanessa Ives. Delta watched as Theta grew up and became the fearless and untouchable Sentinel she was. But not only was she strong,but she was also very very beautiful.

Theta was indeed a sight to behold,her curvaceous body,flawless alabaster skin,her lovely long obsidian hair which followed her every movement. And of course her large and expressive cinnamon hued eyes which many times calmed Delta's nerves when it came to missions. Delta swallowed a lump in his throat as he stood in front of the lovely Theta who's cinnamon hued orbs bore into his own burgundy orb. He wiped away bit of the smudged blood on his fave before Theta could say anything about it. Theta could no longer hide the small smile which formed on her lips. "Welcome back." Theta greeted with a warm smile which only Delta was given the pleasure of viewing.

Delta fought the light smile which he wanted so badly for Theta and Theta alone. Yet he could no longer fight it at the very sight of Theta. "I'm back,Theta." Delta spoke informed the woman before him who nodded towards him. "I know,you would never break your promise to me." Theta told him as Delta nodded towards her. Indeed he refused to break his promise to her. Not ever.

The Rogue ~Volume One of the Sentinel Saga~Where stories live. Discover now