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A few moments later the sound of heels clicking and echoing throughout the hallway stood the infamous Vanessa Ives. Her shoulder length crimped brunette locks resting on her white lab coat covered shoulders. Even if Vanessa Ives was indeed human or beautiful she was a fiend. Her slate gray eyes landing on the familar sight of Delta who seems very comfortable around the lovely Theta. Vanessa swallowed a lump forming in her throat before stepping before the two "Sentinels". Two of the most powerful she has ever created. And two she couldn't live without,they were the sources of her experiments. The fruit of her labor and sacrifices.

"Welcome back,Delta." Vanessa greeted her most trusted "Sentinel" a smirk evident on her plump lips. Theta fought the urge to wipe the smirk off her face. Yet Theta maintained her composure before bowing to Vanessa out of respect. Even if she utterly hated the woman,she couldn't let on about it. Vanessa simply nodded towards Theta before turning her attention back to Delta who too bower towards Vanessa. "Its time to be cleansed Delta." Vanessa informed the quiet man who simply nodded in response,all the while shrugging off the other young "Sentinel" girls who were head over heels attracted to him.

Theta watched as Delta left her side and returned to Vanessa's clutches. A smirk appeared on Vanessa's lips as she lead the exhausted Delta away from Theta. His visable burgundy eye, staring back to Theta in an almost apologetic manner as sbegan of steel doors closed behind the two. Separating Delta from the other Sentinels including Theta who bit back a strangled cry in frustration. She knew behind those steel doors only pain awaited Delta,and she hated it. Theta bit back her frustrated cries before turning to leave for the arena in a hurry. She needed a way to let off some steam,and what better way than against others like her. Others that could take a punch,she deapreatly needed an outlet for her rage,shesheshe would crumble.

As Theta made her way to the underground arena,Delta was brought to a secluded cell. Where he was immediately stripped of his blood stained clothing and thrown harshly onto the shockingly cold floor. He couldn't help but to tremble violently due to the cold before Vanessa stepped to him kneeling down to him. "It's time for your cleansing, Delta." Vanessa informed the young man with an evil smirk before a group of masked doctors appeared and began to probes to his flesh. Delta flinched in pain as shock of electricity rushed through his body,causing him to convulse violently.

Delta thrashed around on th floor in utter pain,his eyes almost bulging out of his eye sockets. A trail of drool slowly slid down the sides of his mouth as he released a horrific cry into the air. Vanessa smirked towards the display of pain,ordering the men to continue to track his condition. The scientists grudgingly agreed to her orders charting down Delta's condition along with his level of productivity. Vanessa continued to watch as Delta's gaze darted back and fourth like a cornored animal waiting to strike. He gritted his teeth as his burgundy eye was overcome by the strange translucent hue belonging only to fellow Sentinels.

Vanessa Ives immediately stepped back as suddenly one by one the flesh of the scientists began to deteriorate. Try released horrid filled screams as their very bodies destroyed due to Delta's ability. Vanessa stared towards the distraught Delta in both awe and fear as her loyal scientists very bodies were eaten away slowly. Inch by inch,from muscle all the way to the very bone itself. She slowly made her way out of the small enclosure,leaving the remainder of her staff to fend for themselves against the unimaginable power of Delta.

While elsewhere awaiting for her dear friend Delta to be released from his prison stood Theta, who out of character began to chew her fingernails out of pure nervousness. Usually Delta would have already returned from his current confinement in mere moments of his return. Something was wrong,Theta could feel it deep down in her bones,something was a miss. Her heart began to pump loudly in her chest as a horrid scream belonging to Delta echoed throughout the corridor. Theta struggled with herself,finding herself about tp barge through the very doors but she knew she could not. In fear for herself and more punishment for Delta she would have to endure his cries. Just as he had done once before.

A few moments later the infamous Vanessa Ives stood before Theta. A smirk evident on her lips as she seemed to almost strut down the hallway,passing the young Theta. Who at the moment wanted nothing more than to wring that horrible woman's throat until she answered her. Yet she could do nothing at the moment for it was not the time for her to act. No it would be another day,a darker day,a day of reckoning. A day Theta continued to wait for, for many years.

The Rogue ~Volume One of the Sentinel Saga~Where stories live. Discover now