The Lightning Struck At Hogwarts

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I'm running late, but I'll give an update on the entire story today.


It was the Potter Observatory that alerted her, a transmission breaking the silence of the small, turned-off radio, causing Cassiopeia to start in surprise. "The lightning struck, the lightning struck at Hogwarts," the voice repeated, and finally a relieved sigh escaped Cassiopeia's lips.

Harry was safe, for now. However, an unsettling premonition invaded her thoughts. If she knew the scarhead well enough, he was on his way to Hogwarts, searching for the final Horcrux.
The magical coin she carried against her skin burned insistently, until she pulled it out to examine it. A single phrase was engraved on it: "Hog's Head." It was a summons, a plea for help.

Voldemort had sent his Death Eaters in large numbers to patrol Hogsmeade, aware that Harry would be going after the Horcrux. He was vulnerable, Cassi recalled the Dark Lord's words during the Goblin massacre.

Harry needed to find the Horcrux, but she knew he would never ask for help, as foolish as he could be. It was then that the coin in her pocket grew warm, and acting on instinct, she sent an urgent Patronus to Dora and Lupin.


In the shelter of the living room, Narcissa looked at Cassiopeia with trembling eyes, her voice carrying concern. "My love, are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Yes," Cassi replied with a sigh. "It's our last chance, Cissa. If we succeed. If Harry finds the last Horcrux, only Nagini will remain, and then..."

Narcissa's voice completed itself with a sigh heavy with sorrow as she whispered, "Then everything will come to an end." Her hands intertwined with Cassi's, and silent tears traced their path down her cheeks as she gazed intensely into Cassi's eyes.

"Promise me you'll take care of Draco, promise you won't get hurt, promise me!" Narcissa pleaded, her hands gripping Cassi's cloak tightly.

Cassiopeia smiled sarcastically. "I'll try not to indulge in the luxury of dying." But the exchanged gaze with Narcissa made the joke fade away as she attentively observed every detail of her face.

This could possibly be the last time they would see each other. Cassi knew a battle was approaching, and if she didn't have the chance to return, she wanted to etch every detail of Narcissa's face into her mind.

"Don't think like that," Narcissa scolded in a tearful sob, tears she could barely contain streaming down her cheeks.

She smiled tenderly before whispering, "I love you." Her words echoed in the air, laden with emotion, and the ensuing kiss was deep and emotional, like an inevitable farewell. When they finally parted, their hands remained intertwined, a firm grasp trying to prolong the inevitable. It was only when the moment forced them to separate that the words sprung from Narcissa's lips, like a silent goodbye. "I love you, my beautiful girl" she murmured, allowing Cassi to depart.


The interior of the bar was shrouded in shadows denser than Cassiopeia's memory. Dim lanterns cast flickering light as she cautiously explored the surroundings. A nearby crack caught her attention. "Shackbolt?!" Cassi exclaimed, somewhat puzzled, but her surprise quickly turned into a warm embrace.

"Hello, Mrs. Gaunt," Shackbolt greeted with a friendly smile. Before she could respond, another crack disrupted the moment. Now emerging from the shadows before her were Lupin and Dora. "Greetings to both," Cassi said with a smile.

"Whotchar Cassie . They might think you're an enemy," Dora teased, gesturing to Cassiopeia's attire, leather and black.

Chuckling, Cassiopeia replied, "Oh, indeed... But they might mistake you for a homeless wanderer." The playful shove was followed by a heartfelt hug with her friend.

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