Chapter 3

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I walk into the spare room at Greg Parker's house and drop my bags on the floor. I thought it was nice of him to give me a place to stay. My house was a crime scene and this would be better than staying in a child services home. The room was small and comfortable. It had a bed, nightstand, dresser, and closet. I open up the dresser and start putting clothes away. I hear a knock on the door which causes me to turn around. Greg stood leaning on the door. I shoot him a smile then go back to what I was doing.

"How you settling in?" he asks.

"Good," I answer, "and thanks again for letting me stay here."

"No problem," he nods then continues down the hall.

I finish up then head into the kitchen. I grab a glass of water then make my way back to the room looking at the photos on the walls. There weren't that many, a few from the SRU, a few from different years of being a cop, and a few of Greg with a women a and boy. I walk over to one of the family pictures wondering who they were. There was no other signs of anyone else living in the house.

"What are you thinking about?" Greg's voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Just looking," I spin around to face him.

"The boy's my son," he points at the picture.

"What happen to him?" curiosity takes over.

"He's in Dallas, Texas," replies Greg.

"I'm sorry about that," I answer.

"Don't be," he smiles, "I'll make dinner."

"Ok thanks," says Alice.

Greg walks around the corner to the kitchen. I look around at the other pictures. I close my eyes and see a sweet loving, caring, perfect family that used to be mine. That was all gone now and I was stuck in this circle of confusion and I had no idea why.


"Alice, dinner!" calls Greg.

"Coming," I answer.

I enter the kitchen and the scents of the food enter my nose. My stomach lets out a growl and I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten. I grab a plate and make my way over to the dining room table. I sit down across from Greg.

"So Alice, can you tell me about yourself?" he asks.

"Well, My full name is Alice Lilianne Warner. I want to go to college in the U.S. I am at the top of my class. My mother worked at the bank and my dad worked in construction. We were perfect until dad's work went up. Then he started drinking to relieve his stress and that's when the fights started," I answer, "then all this went down."

"So your parents had history?" Greg probes.

"You profiling me?" I laugh.

"I wanna get to know you," replies Greg.

"I'm not used to people wanting to know about me," I express.

"I get that," Greg responds.

"You're doing it again," I point out.

"Ok I'll stop talking," he laughs.

I laugh knowing that his tactics were working, he was getting me to talk. I wasn't exactly the most open person.

We finish dinner and I go up to my room to finish unpacking before I went to bed. When I'm done, I lay down on my bed and pull out a book. My eyes skim the page taking in every word. It was a nice escape from reality for a few. A knock makes me look up. I see the clock and realize I had been reading for a good two hours. Greg stands in the doorway.

"Hey," I close my book.

"Just wanted to say good night, I'll be out early tomorrow," says Greg.

"Alright, see you tomorrow," I answer.

He smiles then goes to his room. I continue reading the book wanting to finish the chapter before I went to bed. My phone went off and I look at the screen. It was a number I recognized but I couldn't place it.

"Hello?" I answer knowing that I should of just let it go to voicemail.

"Alice! Thank god you're ok!"comes the voice of my best friend Destiny.

"I take in that you heard about my day?" I roll my eyes.

"It was all over the news! she exclaimes, "Where are you?"

"I'm at Greg Parker's house," I answer.

"Who is that?"

"An officer that helped me. He's very nice,"

"Good for you."

"I'll be back at school soon. I'm not gone forever."

"Alright bye Alice."

"Bye Destiny."

I hang up, close my book, then turn off the light. I close my eyes and let sleep take over.


I wake up to someone shaking me. It had been a week since the incident and I was feeling somewhat comfortable again. I open my eyes and look up to see Greg. 

"Alice don't you have school?" he asks. 

"Maybe," I say burying my head in my pillow, "not sure I want to go anymore."

"you're the one who wants to go back," he says, "come on I'll drop you off on my way to work."

"Alright," I groan then get out of bed.

I get dressed, put my notebooks in my backpack, then head to the for kitchen to get breakfast and make lunch.

"Morning," I say to Greg as I grab food out of the fridge.

"Morning Alice," he replies, "hope you slept well."

I make a sandwich, then grab an apple, chips, and a water bottle. I put them in my backpack then walk out to the car. The ride was quiet except for radio. We get to the school and I go to get out of the car when Greg grabs my arm. I turn and look at him curious as to what was going on.

"Yes?" I ask.

"If anyone bothers you about what happened give me a call," he informs me.

"Thank you," I answer.

"No problem, have a good day," he lets go of my arm.

"Bye, see you hear at 3," I grab my backpack from the back seat.

I glance back as he drives off. There was now an uneasiness in the air as if my confidence had driven off with Greg. I walk into the main hangout area and that's when I see a girl that I knew would give me trouble, Hannah. I catch Destiny out of the corner of my eye. I stiffen up as I catch Hannah eyeing me. I look back at Destiny and silently hint to her. She catches on to what I was doing, but she doesn't get over quick enough. Hannah and her pack surround me like a pack of wolves on their prey.

"Hello Alice," she hisses.

"Leave me alone," I snap.

"Why would I do that Alice?" She talks in an innocent voice.

"Because it would be the right thing to do or else," I grit my teeth.

"But Alice you are now an orphan and you need a real family," she coos.

"If you mean your pack of followers" I yell, "No!"

"Fine, but i'll be seeing you later," she turns to walk away then looks back over her shoulder, "but just know, you need me."

"No I don't," I hiss, "I can take care of myself!"

I shove past her and her pack then head off to class. Destiny hooks over to me and we stride up together. 

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