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The Capitalist, Registered Merchant Ship
Observer Class
Position: Sol's Edge, InnerRim
Co'ords:  classified

Have you ever gotten a warning from a good friend that you didn't pay enough attention to? That went in one ear and out the other because you thought they were hyperventilating a li'l bit? Only to find out later that your friend was absolutely correct to warn you?

There's a slow realization that you, as a proper villain, should pay attention to all warnings received while also realizing that one, it's probably too late now and two, that sharp sting feeling in that bottom corner of your gut that makes your feet chill, eyes widen – is the truth.


That moment is now.

I can NOT disregard this piece of comm addressed to my commanding officer lacking the appropriate security protocol that just scrolled across my screen. These protocols exist to prevent this exact scenario from happening in the first place!

I exhale loudly, sink into my chair, and belatedly remember to maintain composure. I just don't believe this! Why would you send this unsecured to the general message loop for any comm officer to see this?! Why did I have to see this!!

Is there anyone I could tell?

Look Eds – your op is off-books without auth along with the rest of these ops! You already know that! You're not above anybody so get OFF top deck and line up! Keep your mouth shut, your peeps in line and get it done or I'll replace ALL of you and you DON'T want that on Revolution's Eve, your loyalty questioned! Out!

Colonel Farley

Should I tell anyone?

First off, I'm at the mainhelm on the bridge of this ship as the mainhelm pilot, not the comm officer. That's Lito, who's currently off-post assisting with the cargo transfer since Eds wanted all-hands, except me. We're in the middle of mostly nowhere between the Pioneer's Arc and InnerRim meeting up with a go-between cargo ship and I'm sitting boards to cover meanwhile. My duties? Route calls, answer questions, connect folks, run short and long-range scans and keep an eye on the cargo holds. I won't have any nav duties for a while, at least six real hours and the rest of the navboard are off shift on break.

Who can I tell?

Well, I wouldn't be the excellent intelligence officer that I am without first making a copy of this comm by snap-shooting it to my looplink – just in case! Then I add the proper security protocols and route it to Eds, our commanding officer.

What should I tell?

I have so many questions!

I catch myself looking around the bridge to see if my reaction was noticed by anyone. Especially since mainhelm sits in the middle of the bridge with posts sitting around it in a half-circle. Looks like business as usual. Plus, it's only me and Raven on the bridge with a couple of the "real" merchies we have aboard helping us. My curiosity peaks, I have nothing else to do (mostly) and I need these questions answered. So! Unlike Colonel Farley, I'm going to initiate a query on deeplink in private-secure mode since we're in range of a CLUSA-point.

The questions: who is this guy? What's the meaning of this comm? Why're they sending this to Eds, of all people? He's such a rule stickler, are they even sending this to the right guy? Farley does name Eds in the beginning so.... what's Eds – ol' sanctimonious snitch with a receding hairline – up to? If Command didn't auth this op – who did? We were told that we're the tip of the Revolution's sword so...what's going on? Looks like Colonel Eric Farley is a talent recruiter over on The Gaian...

Cold Call - [Sibby-verse 1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن