25|Disaster at Practice

801 12 0

Aria King

I was awoken by a soft voice in my ear. "Love wake up" It said and I opened my eyes to see Charles hovering over me. I smile and wrap my arms around him and pull him in for a hug. He gladly accepts and sticks his head into the crook of my neck and places soft kisses there. I laugh and he lift his face to look at me. I pull his down for a kiss. "Good morning baby" He says softly. "Good morning love what's the time" I ask slightly yawning. "Umm I think it around 7:30 so we have some time to get down to the garage." He says leaning down to kiss my cheek. 

Eventually I get out from under him and go to take a quick shower. After my shower I let Charles go and take one and change into my clothes. I quickly dry my hair and decide to put it up into a bun. I some light makeup and by this time Charles had come out freshly shaved and changed. His hair was still a bit damp but it still looked good. 

"Ready ma cheri" He asks just as I put my things into my bag. I nod and we start to make our way down to the paddock. After about ten minutes of signing and taking pictures Charles is finally freed from the grasp of the public. We made it to the garage and everyone is swarming trying to get ready for practice. I head to main computer to start working. "Hi Carlos" I say on the way there. He smiles and waves to me. 

Time skip to after the first practice

First practice today went well with Charles in p3 and Carlos in p4. The second practice was now only 15 minutes away. I was watching over some of the last clips from the practice and trying to figure out some more data. Out of the corner of my eye I see Charles. I glance over for a second to find him staring at me already. I look away quickly not wanting anyone to see me and try to focus on my work. I take a small glance back at him and he is laughing to himself. I walk to Mattia to discuss some things about the cars performance with him and what we should be doing. 

After a little while practice two starts and Charles is doing well. Everything was going smoothly until both him and Checo came up to turn four in the middle of the race. Charles took the inside line while Checo was trying to pass him in front. Suddenly Checo and Charles tires touch and Charles goes spinning out to the gravel. You can hear the gasp from all around as he goes into the wall. I stopped breathing and time began to so slowly. His car comes to an abrupt stop and the whole stadium is silent. My hands are shaking and I feel tears fill my eyes. I try to get them to dissipate quickly so I car watch the screen. For a few moments there is no movement until I see the steering wheel being flung out along with the scarlet driver pulling himself out of the car. I let out a breath of relief along with everyone else. Charles gets out and walks away from the car. He looks a little shaken but everything is fine. 

The safety car is deployed and Charles is escorted off the track. After a bit they take Charles to go get checked out by the doctors on stand by and it is revealed that he is fine just a little shaken up. Practice ended but everyone was just worried about Charles. Soon after everyone starts to calm down after they know that he is fine and everything will carry on as planned. 

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket and I quickly reached for it. The text was simple 

Charles: Please come to my room

Me: Omw

I dropped everything I was doing and started running to his room. Everyone I passed turned their head but I didn't care. When I arrived at the motor homes no one was their because they were all at the track. I quickly made my way through the list of names on doors before finally finding his. I slip through the door to find Charles pacing in his room looking at the floor. He turns his head to me and I immediately run to hug him. "Oh thank god" I say holding on to him for dear life. He holds me just as tight. "Don't worry I'm fine just a few bruises thats all" He says I pull back to look at him and make sure he was fine. 

"You don't know how worried I was" I say pulling him in for another hug. "I know but I'm fine I just really need you right now" He says softly. "I'm here and I'm not leaving" I say. We end up on hugging each other on the sofa in the room. "I'm just going to change really quickly ok my love" He says getting up from his spot. He walks into his bathroom and comes out a few minutes later in his shirt and sweatpants. "Do you want to sneak back to the hotel with me?" He asks and I nod. I get up and decide that its fine to leave all my stuff here because it is packed up and put away in my space. 

We take the route behind all the buildings as to not get caught by the crowd. We eventually make to the back of the hotel and enter through there. We get to the elevators and thankfully no one is here. Back in the room we both kick off our shoes "Do you want anything Charles" I ask going to the kitchen. "Can you make me a coffee" he asks from the couch. I nod and while its brewing I go and change into some comfy clothes before preparing both mine and Charles coffee just the way he likes it. 

I carefully bring his coffee to him and he take it from me and says thank you. He wraps his hands around me again and nuzzles his face into my chest. "I was just worried about the car it was so hard to drive and then Checo came and gave me no space and now I'm scared that the car might be damaged" he mumbles into my shirt. "Don't worry the car will be fine all I'm worried about is you are ok" I say brushing my hands through his hair. "It's fine I'm fine I just don't feel like talking about it anymore" He says taking a sip of his coffee. 

I turn on Netflix and put grey's anatomy on. Charles moves his head so he can see the screen better and we sat there for a long time just enjoying each others presence. 

I eventually fell asleep right there with him and he did to. 

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