34| Austria GP

652 13 0

Charles Leclerc

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. I turn over and quickly turn it off because I didn't want Aria to wake up. She was sound asleep laying on my chest. I shook her softly trying to get her to wake up. She slowly started to stir in her sleep and eventually lifted her head to see me. She smiles groggily then drops her head back down. 

"Cmon we have to go" I say pulling her up. "Five more minutes please" She mumbles in the sheets with her eyes closed. "No you know how long you will take" I state trying to get out of bed. My stays in its place and I see Aria is hanging on to it. "I promise five minutes then I'll go" She says. 

I can't help but give in and tuck myself back underneath her. She moves her head onto my shoulder and lays on top of me. I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes. It takes everything in me to not fall asleep again but I mange to stay awake.

We both stayed quiet through the few minutes of peace that we had before having to go into chaos. Both of us knew that we had to get up but neither one of us dared to move a muscle. After more than five minutes pass I feel Aria get us off of me and pull herself off the bed. 

"Your right I do take a while to get ready" She says before walking to the bathroom. I smile and get out of bed and join her in the bathroom. 

We both brush our teeth quietly and go and get changed. Aria kicks me out of the bathroom so she can do her makeup so I change in the room. I answer a few emails and messages while waiting for her to be done.

Surprisingly she comes out way quicker than usual. "I can get ready quick when I want" She says to me while putting her shoes on. 

Right before we leave out the door I pull her back and into a kiss. She kisses me back but pulls away a few seconds later opens the door to leave. 

We begin to make our way down to the paddock and I stop by the gates to sign and take pictures with a bunch of fans. It takes a while to get through the fans but eventually I just have to push my way through so I can make it on time. 

When we get to the hospitality both me and Aria have to go for a meeting. The meeting is just a briefing that we get before every race about what the conditions are like and what the expectations are. 

After the quick briefing we head down to the garage where everyone was getting ready for the race. The was at 3 today so I had just under two hours to get ready. Me and Aria part ways and I go to the back to get warmed up and changed into my racing suit. 

I bunch my suit around my waist and grab my rubber bands to do some stretches. After warming up with that I do a bit of reaction tests and then go out to study and discuss my strategy for the race. Usually it was a relax and just focus on studying the track and getting a feel for it. This was usually my time to experiment with the track and braking zones. 

I pull out my laptop and some notes and go sit next to Aria who was working by herself in the corner of the garage. She scoots over and moves her stuff so I can sit with her. 

I annotate my version of the track and try to imagine what I was going to do in some zones. The time passes quickly due to my focus on the track and Aria tells me its time to get into my car. I get up and zip my suit up and put on my balaclava and helmet. 

I climb into the car and settle myself in the seat. After a few minutes of waiting they lower my car onto the floor and tell me I can come out. I was starting P4 behind Lewis, Checo, and Max. Before I knew it we were all in positions waiting for the lights to go out. I clear my mind and all that I was focused on was red lights in front of me. If I got a good start now then I would surely do well this race with no mistakes. 

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