2. 𝐔𝐧𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞

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The sun spread a warm and golden light across the busy city, its rays reaching far into the sky. Almir was in the midst of meetings and conversations when his attention was grabbed by a ringing phone. He signaled his secretary to answer, but the secretary informed him that it was a call from home. Excusing, he stepped out of the meeting room.

"Assalamilkum" he greeted, standing by the window.

"Walaikumaslam Almir" his grandmother's voice came from the other end of the call.

"Sab theek hai beejan?" He asked with concern. He knew that no one called him unless there was a problem.

(Is everything alright Beejan?)

"Sab theek hai. Bss driver nahi ghar par aur Ayla ko lena hai university sy" She told him the reason for her call.

(Everything is fine but there's no driver at home and have to pick Ayla from university)

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it" He assured her. After ending the call, he turned and noticed his secretary waiting outside the meeting room, ready for his instructions.

"Send Omer to pick up Ayla from the university" Almir instructed.

"Omer went to the factory with sir Hamamd and Faik, shall I send someone else?" The secretary informed him.

"No. Postpone the meeting" Almir ordered, and after gathering what he needed, he set out to pick up Ayla himself. Their regular driver wasn't available, and he couldn't take any risks.

Outside the towering walls of 'Shifa International University,' he pulled his sleek car to a halt beside Ayla's department building. Adjusting his sunglasses, his attire effortlessly combined casual elegance with an undeniable sense of power. Dialing her number, he waited as the phone rang a few times before she finally answered.

Before she could utter a word, his voice interrupted, commanding her to "come outside", he ended the call, leaving her undoubtedly taken aback.

He stood there, patient and composed, his gaze scanning the approaching figures. And she emerged, accompanied by her trio of friends. Ayla's friends exchanged knowing glances, captivated by the sight of Almir's striking presence that drew glances from other girls as well.

Ayla's surprise was evident as she laid eyes on him. First, the unexpected call and now him, standing right outside her department. An intrigued murmur swept through her group of friends as they exchanged curious looks. She bid her friends goodbye and came near the car. Without a word, he opened the front door for her, a gesture that brushed aside the whispers and stares around them.

As the engine roared to life, their car, flanked by two others carrying guards, surged through the university gates with a determined speed.

"Why did you come?" Her curiosity finally found a voice as the cityscape unfolded before them. His presence here was an anomaly. His hectic schedule and the inherent security concerns rarely allowed such spontaneity.

A quizzical eyebrow and a playful tone accompanied his response
"Don't you like my presence?"

This interchange was a departure from their norm. Almir's demeanor was usually serious and devoid of jokes or unnecessary banter.

Ayla's initial shock lingered as she replied, her confidence returning
"It's just... you must have work."

Before he could retort, his phone interrupted, momentarily claiming his attention. "I'll be there in a moment" he assured the caller before turning back to Ayla.
"I have some important matters to attend to at the office. We'll head there first, and then I'll drop you off."

Confusion clouded Ayla's eyes. Why had he come to pick her up without offering a reason? Moreover, if they were headed to the office, someone else could have easily dropped her.

They arrived at the grand edifice of Malik Industries and Co. Almir handed his car keys to a vigilant guard before guiding Ayla through the imposing entrance-a symbol of corporate ambition and influence.

For Ayla, the sight wasn't entirely new; she had been here with his father before. Stepping into an elevator, they ascended to the top floor, home to Almir's commanding office.

Entering the space, Ayla found herself in unfamiliar territory. It was her first time in his workspace. The office exuded an air of sophistication, with a commanding view that mirrored Almir's own demeanor.

He motioned for her to take a seat, his gestures both gracious and authoritative.
"Wait here. Lunch will be brought up shortly."

As the door closed behind Almir, Ayla found herself alone in the opulent office. The room was a blend of sleek modernity and subtle hints of Almir's personal taste. The massive desk dominated one side, its surface immaculate except for a few neatly organized documents. She couldn't help but notice the meticulously framed photographs adorning the walls-
Almir's candid shots, him receiving awards and few others.

Her attention turned to the expansive windows that showcased the city's skyline. The panorama was breathtaking, offering a stark contrast to the controlled chaos that often defined her own life. The scene was serene, offering a glimpse into a world she rarely had time to appreciate.

Soon, a discreet knock on the door brought her back to the present moment. The door swung open to reveal a girl suited server, bringing a tray. The aroma of the freshly prepared food filled the room, making her stomach growl in anticipation.

"Miss Ayla" the server's voice was respectful as he began to arrange the dishes on a side table. "Mr. Malik has send these" She told revealing lasagna.

Ayla's astonishment grew. Why he's giving her shocks today! Now her one of favourite dish. From when he started to notice all this!

"Thank you" she managed, her voice tinged with both surprise and gratitude.

With a subtle nod, the server withdrew, leaving her to the feast. She settled into the plush sofa, her fork slicing into the lasagna. Each bite was a revelation, a testament to the care and consideration that had gone into its preparation. She savored the flavors, her initial uncertainty about being in his office gradually giving way to a sense of comfort.

After a while, the door swung open again, and Almir reappeared. His expression was composed, giving nothing away. His eyes, however, held a flicker of amusement as he took in her enjoyment of the meal he had orchestrated.

"I hope you enjoying your lunch" He remarked, his tone casual.

Ayla's lips curved into a smile, a mix of appreciation and curiosity.
"Yeah. Thank you"

He approached the table, his gaze lingering on her. "I'm glad."

Their eyes locked for a moment, a silent exchange passing between them-a connection that hinted at more than mere casual acquaintance. With a subtle nod, he turned to the table and signed few files meanwhile she finished her meal.

"Shall we head back?" Almir's voice held a soothing quality, and she nodded in agreement. Gathering her belongings, they left the office, the bond between them palpable.

The car ride was peaceful, the cityscape passing by in a blur. They arrived home to a warm welcome from the ladies of Malik family. Affectionate embraces were shared, and Amira found solace in her grandmother's gentle hug, the whispered blessings a balm for her soul. Meanwhile Almir excused from their taking blessings from them.

As the day transitioned into evening, Ayla found herself immersed in her studies after a satisfying dinner and a call to Zoniya Ahmed Malik, younger sister of Almir, who's in London for internship, gossiping about life.

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