10. 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Ayla stood in front of her vanity table, meticulously organizing her closet. With the phone placed nearby, she engaged in a candid conversation with Almir on a video call.

"Honestly, I didn't find the need to use the card. I've done very little shopping in the past two months" Ayla explained, her voice carrying a sense of practicality.

Almir, on the other end of the call, frowned at her response. "How is that possible? Most girls can't resist shopping, especially when it's their husband's money."

Ayla, sensing the tension in his voice, tried to steer the conversation in a lighter direction. "Almir, why bring up this topic now? I can always use your money, or you can send me chocolates from America. How does that sound?" Her intent was to avoid an argument, but she could see Almir was growing increasingly uncomfortable.

His insecurities got the best of him, and he blurted out, "Ayla, is it because you haven't accepted our relationship yet?"

Ayla's mouth fell agape, her forehead creased with confusion and disappointment. After two months of their Nikkah, Almir's doubt in their relationship hurt her deeply. Without uttering a word, she simply nodded her head in dismay and ended the call, leaving Almir to grapple with the realization of the blunder he had made.

Two months had passed since their Nikkah, and this seemingly trivial argument had shaken their otherwise peaceful relationship. It had started when Ayla mentioned ordering a pack of ear studs, something she loved wearing to match her outfits. Almir couldn't understand why she hadn't used his credit card. He felt she should utilize his resources. Ayla, on the other hand, believed that her internship gave her enough and now house-job covered her expenses well enough, and she hadn't shopped for anything too extravagant to warrant using his card.

Their differences in perspective led to this unnecessary clash. Ayla's anger peaked, and she close her closet without  finishing work, switching off the lights and retreating to the bed, her typical way of dealing with anger - in silence, away from the world, until her emotions settled.

Meanwhile, Almir, too, found himself grappling with frustration. After the call ended, he realized the foolishness of his words. All the accumulated frustration and anger from work had been unfairly vented on Ayla. He banged his hand on the table in his office, his temper flaring. It was a heated exchange over a frivolous matter.

Ali entered the room, seeing him angry he asked "Hey, what's wrong, Bhai?"

"Ali, not now. I'm in no mood to discuss anything" Almir said, retrieving a cigarette from his drawer.

"Okay, okay, but what's causing all this frustration? If it's about that lost file, I've managed to sort everything out" Ali offered, thinking the missing file might be the source of Almir's anger.

"It's not about the file" Almir replied, lighting his cigarette.

Seating himself, Ali inquired further, "Then what is it?"

"When are you going to Pakistan?" Almir asked, ignoring Ali's question.

"Day after tomorrow" Ali responded. Almir nodded, deep in thoughts.

It had been a day since their heated argument, and neither had reached out to mend the rift. She was laying on bed, legs hanging down. She was looking through chats of her and Almir.
The last exchange on WhatsApp was Almir wishing her a good night, a day before argument and since then, an uneasy silence had prevailed after a call.

Ayla hadn't made the first move to message or call him, believing that he, as the one who had instigated the argument, should be the one to make amends. But Almir remained out of sight, intensifying her frustration.
With a day off ahead of her, Ayla found herself with little to do, which only fueled her growing irritation.She messaged her girls' group, instructing them to get ready within 15 minutes.

Swiftly preparing herself, she donned a white band-collar shirt paired with off-white wide-leg pants, achieving a simple yet naturally elegant look. Knocking on Zoniya's door, she entered and found her scrolling through phone.

"What are you doing?" Ayla's tone was tinged with impatience and frustration.

"Oh, you're here?" Zoniya looked mildly surprised. Ayla's early arrival hadn't been expected.

"I told you to get ready in 15 minutes."

"I just need to change my pants. By the way, where are we going? And what's bothering you?" Zoniya queried, recognizing that Ayla was not typically who got angry easily. She even skipped dinner the previous night.

"Are you coming, or should I go alone?" Ayla replied, a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Of course, I'm coming. You go and start the car." Zoniya said, rushing to change her pants.

As Ayla descended the stairs, she saw her mother heading toward Bi Jan's room. She informed her mother of their plans and made her way to the garage where her car was parked.

With the engine running and a honk to signal Zoniya, she waited for her to join her. But when a couple of minutes passed with no sign of Zoniya, Ayla decided to move the car toward the gate. Just as she began to do so, Zoniya came running and yelling for her to stop. Ayla halted outside the gate, her face expressionless. Zoniya hurriedly entered the car with a sigh of relief, and without uttering a word, Ayla resumed driving.

"Call Fatima and tell her to come outside" Ayla instructed.

Zoniya quickly dialed Fatima, telling her consequences if get late.

Picking Fatima, they headed to a Chinese restaurant. The girls found a cozy spot and placed their orders. Fatima nudged Zoniya to inquire about Ayla's sour mood.

"Ayloo, what's wrong?"

"Something happened between you and Almir bhai!" Fatima asked and was met with a stern glare from Ayla.

Zoniya intervened, sensing that Ayla didn't want to discuss it. "After this, can we go shopping?"

Ayla and Fatima nodded in agreement. As they enjoyed their meal, the atmosphere lightened, and Ayla's mood began to lift. When it was time to settle the bill, Ayla used Almir's card for the payment.

The girls then proceeded to Centaurus mall for a shopping spree, and Ayla didn't hold back. She shopped to her heart's content, using Almir's card without hesitation. Zoniya and Fatima couldn't hide their shock - Ayla had never been known for her fondness for shopping, and certainly not to this extent. Usually, it was her friends who dragged her to the mall, as she preferred online shopping.

In the evening, the trio returned home, and Ayla once again skipped dinner upon noticing that there were still no calls or messages from Almir. The unease between them remained palpable, and her frustration continued to simmer.

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Although target is still incomplete but this chapter is for my regular readers who vote🦋

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