Chapter 15 - Elena's hatred

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Nik dumps Stefan in the car unconscious and we go back to Gloria's, taking Elena with us. I complain immediately when Bekah isn't here but Nik promises if she doesn't turn up soon we can go and find her which placates me.

"She's supposed to be dead, that's why you can't make hybrids," Gloria takes one look at Elena and identifies the problem.

"That's what I told you Nik and you didn't believe me," I remind him, sipping on my lemonade while glaring at Elena who glares right back at me.

"Yes, thank you Hedi," he clearly doesn't want me to get involved. "So how do I make my hybrids work?"

I whine and make a big fuss about how he didn't believe me about Elena the first time so he turns back to me, pausing his conversation with Gloria for a moment.

"I'm sorry Heddy-bear. I should have listened to you."

"You should have believed me," I say grumpily but I'm pleased he's apologising to me. 'Lijah says you should always apologise if you're wrong.

"I'm sorry. I will believe you from now on," Nik gently places a kiss on my cheek before looking to Gloria for answers again.

"I still need your other sister to contact the Original witch who made the spell," Gloria insists however my brother doesn't like her answer.

"It's simple, can I kill the doppelgänger or not?" Nik's temper returns but Gloria remains calm, just like before.

"Bring me Rebekah and you will get your answer."

I finish my lemonade and start pulling rude faces at Elena. I think they're really funny but she looks mad at me. She's always mad at me, I think she's jealous that I like Katerina more than her.

As I'm pulling rude faces, Damon unexpectedly enters the bar and I stare at him in disbelief that he'd come all this way. Elena is relieved, thinking he must be coming to save her.

"Look Nik!" I call out but he's already seen him.

"I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raff now," Nik insults him but Damon isn't fazed.

"Oh, honey, I've been called worse."

"You don't give up, do you?" My brother questions and I scowl at Damon. While I love him, I also hate him at the moment for trying to hurt Nik.

"Let Elena go. You don't have to kill her to make hybrids, there has to be another way," Damon attempts to convince Nik but it's a weak argument and even I know Nik won't agree. "She doesn't have to die."

"I am so sick of you popping up everywhere, interfering with my plans," Nik complains.

"Give me Elena and my brother back... you'll never have to see me again," Damon's attempt at a bargain is feeble and I know Nik won't agree. Especially not now he's found out about Stefan's betrayal over Elena.

"Well, I am torn," Nik drawls out for entertainment before focusing on how he should really kill Damon for his insolence.

"You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so..."

"You would kill me in front of your six year old sister?" Damon refuses to believe his threats are real.

"Yes, if I decide it's worth the bother," Nik quips but I know he isn't going to. He knows I like Damon even if he's been a horrible friend by trying to hurt my brother.

Elena starts pleading with Nik.

"Don't kill him, you have me. You don't need to kill him too," she whines and I find her so annoying.

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