Chapter 16 - Senior Prank Night

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"I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you," Nik warns both Stefan and Elena as we enter Gloria's yet again.

She must be getting sick of seeing us by now. I know I'm bored of this place.

Stefan finally woke up from his nap and immediately sped to Elena's side to protect her. Nik is furious with him but most of all, he wants to make his hybrids work.

He said he will deal with Stefan's betrayal later.

Bekah leads me to the other side of the bar and I proudly show her my amazing compulsion skills. She is rather impressed.

"Look, look Bekah!" I excitedly grab her attention before compelling someone in the back to come over and serve me some lemonade.

Free lemonade as Nik taught me, I mustn't forget to make it free.

"Wow," Bekah is stunned by how great I am at it. "That's really great Hedi, how did you learn that?"

"Nik showed me how," I inform her and she nods in approval.

Before I can tell her about how I compelled ugly Elena too, a noise startles me from the other side of the bar. Nik is very angry, he's shouting at Gloria. Something about her being so foolish as to try to use him. She wants the necklace for herself.

I jump down and turn the corner to see what's going on and walk into something terrible. 

Nik killing Gloria.

Nik decapitates her right where she stands and I don't like it. I want to scream and scream but I know I'll get told off if I do. So I just stand in shock and squeeze my eyes tightly tightly closed. That was awful.

"Take Hedi outside," Nik orders Bekah who takes one look at how distressed I am and complies without a challenge.

I don't fight it either. I don't want to be here when he does horrible things like that, why does he always make me stay? He knows I don't like it.

Bekah holds my hand and walks me out, trying to distract me from what I've just seen. Nik killed Gloria because it became clear all she wanted was Bekah's lost necklace. She was lying to us all.

My sister is so upset that she lost mother's necklace but we have no idea how she misplaced it. She rants on and on as a way to calm me down via a distraction.

After a little while, Nik marches out of the bar with Stefan and Elena in tow, terrified at what they've just witnessed him do to Gloria.

"You look rather guilty my dear," he grins at Elena trying to scare her and it works because her heart rate increases rapidly. "Now why would that be?"

"I-I'm not," she stammers but even I can tell she's a big fat liar.

Bekah stomps up to her. "Listen here boyfriend-stealing bitch, if you know where my necklace is you'd better tell me right now."

Her compulsion instantly works and I marvel at the insults Bekah used. Boyfriend-stealing bitch is much better than calling her ugly and mean. I'm so glad my sister hates her too, we can sneak behind Nik's back and annoy her together when he's not looking.

Nik gives a pointed look to Bekah who turns me around quickly. I hear him break Stefan's neck again because he hid the whereabouts of the necklace from us. He's found out it's in Mystic Falls so that's where we're heading next.

I'm bundled into the car, feeling excited to go back. I'll see Caroline again and hopefully my sister will like her too. And Katerina, my future sister, of course.


Bekah has snuck me into the big high school on a hunt for her necklace. We've looked through Elena's school locker and sadly it's not there. It must be at the Gilbert house or the Salvatores.

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