When Will My Life Begin?

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     "Ha! Them stupid," a boy with unkempt, messy, black hair scoffed as he saw multiple guards running to the explosion he set off at the west gate. He was propped on top of the white palace wall, hiding between the leaves of the tree. "That's the oldest trick in the book."

     "Keep going, Tadashi," a large, dark skinned man with dreadlocks grumbled, trying to haul himself up.

     "We don't have time," his friend, a tall, lanky man with long brown hair and fair skin added. His attention was caught on something glinting on the ground. He stopped to crouch down and look at it. "Ooh! Wasabi look! It's a palace guard medal! Some big shot dropped his precious award!" He laughed and picked it up, wiping it with his cotton white shirt. Then he pinned it on his chest and thrust his chest out. "You likey?"

     Wasabi groaned. "Fred, keep it if you want, but can you please hurry up?"

     Tadashi rolled his eyes and waited until the coast is clear to run across the wall to the closest. "Come on guys!" he whispered from the other side of the wall. Looking up, the tower's walls loomed above him. Taking a deep breath, he flexed before scaling the walls.

     What kind of safe palace is this if the walls provide perfect handholds for thieves? Tadashi thought, shaking his head. That is just horrible design. 

     (Y/N) blinked as the sunlight streamed through the windows. Next to her, Mochi meowed and stretched.

     "You ready for another day?" she asked. He blinked at her. She smiled sweetly back. "Come on!" A soft thud sounded when a pair of feet hit the ground. Then it took off, hair making a shhh sound as it was pulled along. "Mochi! We have chores to do!"

     Mochi meowed in complaint before hopping off the soft mattress and following her. As he passed the moving hair, he plopped on it and let it carry him. Feeling the additional weight, (Y/N) turned around. She made a face when she saw her cat sitting on her hair. Mochi cheekily smiled and lifted a paw in a wave. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and began singing.

            7 AM, the usual morning lineup: start on the chores and sweep till the floor's all clean. Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up. Sweep again, and by then, it's like 7:15.

     (Y/N) glared at the broom standing in front of her.

     "I hate chores," she groaned before taking the broom in her hands and began sweeping the dirt and dust to the middle of the tower. After doing that, she got on her hands and knees to scrub the floor, Mochi slid along with her. Occasionally, a paw would slip and he'd be sprawled out in the wet, soapy water. Pretty quickly, the cat's fur was matted and soaked, so (Y/N) had to chase him around the tower to give him a bath.

     "MOCHI! COME HERE!" she screamed. He meowed and scampered out of her hands.

     After the wild goose—cat—chase, (Y/N) dried off and relaxed on her beanbag.

     "You want to do that new 1000 piece puzzle Father gave us?" she asked Mochi. Mochi nodded in excitement.

     A couple of hours later, Mochi and (Y/N) began making lunch.

     "Hmmm," she contemplated. "A sandwich or pasta? Ooh, you want to make pizza today?" she asked Mochi. Sticking her head into the mini fridge, she began naming things they had stored. "We have mushroom, cheese, tomatoes, and this probably month old leftover pepperoni," she said, making a face at the pepperoni she pulled out. Mochi stuck out his tongue.

     (Y/N) shook her head. "Yeah, no." Aiming at the trash can sitting a couple of feet away, (Y/N) flicked her wrist. The pepperoni went flying and landed neatly in bag with a clump.

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