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Everyone watched as the Dark Aster came into sight. Then they all turned their ships to face the bigger warship.

"Fire!" Yondu ordered.

Two ships fired at the Dark Aster, but before they could hit it, a seem-to-be invisible force field blocked the fireballs from hitting the ship.

"Cover it down! Submerge!" Yondu yelled.

The Milano, along with all the other Ravager ships, made a sharp descent until they were underneath the Dark Aster.

"Rocket! Hurry!" Quill shouted.

Rocket, along with two other ships, all fired at the same spot on the Dark Aster, but the warship let out a fleet of tiny ships that flew down into the city, firing green jets of light at the Milano and the Ravager ships.

The Dark Aster began to move forward, with Rocket still firing at the side. Eventually, Astra could see a small explosion as the hole was blown.

"Quill! Yondu! Now!" Rocket shouted. Quill steered the Milano into the Dark Aster, turning it away from exploding Kree ships. Astra watched as Yondu's ship was hit by one and started to spiral to the ground.

"Aw, hell!" Yondu shouted. "I'm going down, Quill! No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this!"

The Milano continued to be pursued by the Kree ships, struggling to get hit.

"There are too many of them, Rocket!" Astra shouted as the Milano's left wing got hit. "We'll never make it up there!"

But then, at that moment, countless star-shaped ships, the same ones that had arrested her and put her in the Kyln, came into view. The ships blocked the incoming blasts from the Kree ships, clearing a path for the Milano.

"Peter Quill," said a voice over the intercom, "this is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here."

"They got my 'dick' message!" Quill said excitedly.

"Prove me wrong," said Saal.

Quill accelerated, and the Milano flew straight through the hole in the Dark Aster. Drax started laughing hysterically as more green blasts were shot at them. The Milano turned around and fired at Kree soldiers until it came to a halt.

Everyone caught their breath, and Drax shouted, "Yes!"

"We're just like Kevin Bacon," said Gamora, looking at Quill.

"Let me guess. Saving the world?" Astra asked.

They got out of the Milano.

"I can barely see," said Drax.

"Welcome to the Dark Aster. There's almost no light on this ship," Astra commented. She was going to create a ball of purple energy in her hand to light the way, but before she could do so, Groot stretched out his arm and made tiny yellow lights that flew around them, lighting the way. The lights flew at a range that Astra's energy couldn't have reached. Everyone looked around in awe.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Drax asked.

"Pretty sure the answer is 'I am Groot,'" Quill remarked.

"They're beautiful," Astra whispered.

"The flight deck is 300 metres this way," said Gamora, leading the way.

"I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders," said Drax. "It is pleasing to once again have friends. You, Quill, are my friend."

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