Chapter 3 - Attempt

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Kingslanding | Red Keep | 284 AC

Following the incident, Joffrey's nurse maid was quickly fired from her post, never to be seen again, but knowing Cersei, it was probably worse.

From then on, we shared the same wet nurse or, more specifically, my wet nurse Alia.

I wasn't too happy about that. It wasn't that they couldn't find anyone else, but Cersei was paranoid, and because she saw how effective Alia was, she practically said f*ck it, let her take care of them both.

Besides, the Crown was broke. Constantly running to grandfather for money.

Since the incident, Alia, Joffrey, and I have shared the same living quarters. Yay. I got to see my favorite girl more now, though I still hated the sharing thing.

As usual, Joffrey and I would talk shit together, with us only being a little over six moons we were each other's buddies. And our vibrant Blond Hair became more. Prominent if you will, it was clear we took much after our Lannister mother. No traces of our fathers' features in sight only time would tell.

Our mother visited us regularly a whole lot more than our father. I would say that much. As each visit passed, I could see how she would shape out into our future Queen Cersei Lannister.

The Red Keep was a pit full of vipers. A breeding ground for deceit and treachery. The court was filled with backstabbing, self-centered people who placed their own interests above the people. Courtiers engaged in ruthless political maneuvering, constantly vying for power and influence.

I hadn't seen any masschinations in action as of yet, but I was certain there would be some, and I was looking forward to it.

Watching Joffrey, I found it hard to imagine him as the character I had previously hated. Where Joffrey in the past or future would be a twat and horrible King, this Joffrey was just. Stupid. Perhaps it's because of my maturity but I refuse to lump his future self with the present one.

He was my brother now, I realized. And he would be until the end of my days in this world.

With the creak of the door opening in haste, I swiftly spun around on the floor. Abandoning my toys and looking at the person who interrupted my inner monologue, ready to throw a fit only to see my mother.

Cersei was donned in typical Lannister fashion, adorning a Red and Gold dress, with a deep neckline giving anyone a clear view of her boobs.

Jaime must have loved that one.

Her face devoid of emotion she turned to Alia signaling her to leave the room.

Now alone she dropped her masked facade and with a bright smile reaching her Emerald Green Eyes she scooped us up in her arms.

"How much I've missed you both, my lion cubs, " she took in our scents, which were really drool and some other things, but whatever she wanted.

Cersei truly had no allies in court. None that she could trust anyway. It was nice to feel wanted, so seeing the happy smiles on her children's faces, it made her feel good. As a mother.

She loved nothing more than her firstborn children, even more so than Jaime. They were her cubs and she was their Lioness. She loved them like no other, her greatest weakness.

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