Chapter 9 - Things Will Never Get Back To Normal

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Westeros | Crownlands | Red Keep | Maester's Quarters

A Week Ago...

Without knocking, I let myself in, in urgency, only to be greeted with an unholy sight.

I stood planted to the ground, unmoving, at the scene before me.

The Queen and her brother, naked as the day they were born, tangled in the sheets together. I gulped and opened my mouth to say something but found myself unable to.

Remembering the haste in my Princes voice, however, brought me out of my shocked state. Their were subtle rumors in King's Landing about the Golden Twins of House Lannister, but I had never taken them to heart. I was sure to be killed now, having found out their secret.

"My Queen... Ser Jaime, the Prince's quarters, there has been an intruder, and the Prince is currently fighting for his very life. Ser Jaime I, he needs your help."

I imagine it was quite hard, after being extra careful to hide their secret activities, now that I think about it they do...

"What do you mean the Prince's are being attacked? No one would dare come inside the Keep without permission,"

This time, Jaime spoke, his voice unrecognizable, Cersei was still recovering from the sudden commotion I had caused. He rose from the tangled sheets, maintaining some of his dignity with his shirt, as if being caught sleeping with your sister, wasn't embarrassing enough.

With urgency in her voice, she yelled, "Their is no time!! Your secret is safe with me. He needs your help right this instant, or he will die, now get dressed, and follow me!!"


Remembering the events from the week before she subtly eyed the Queen and her brother.

'Siblings who commit incest... logically would have children of incest,'

Just then, an image of Prince Lyonel with his vibrant Blonde hair paralleled the one of Ser Jaime's. It couldn't be possible, right?

Mustering up some courage at the recent revelation, she looked at the Queen. "Your grace..." while side eyeing Ser Jaime, "Ser Jaime..."

The Queen and Ser Jaime looked at Alia with unknown expressions.

Was it fear she wondered. Were they going to kill her?

Swallowing her fear, her eyes focused directly to the Queen, before she could utter a word however a groan snapped them out of their stupor.

Cersei quickly turned her attention towards the groaning boy on the bed. Her eyes filled with worry and tumultuous amounts of hope. Jaime soon rushed to her side, showing his support.

"Lyonel, Lyonel, can you hear me?"

Though her question remained unanswered, the groans of the boy persisted.

Turning to Jaime, her eyes in a frenzy kitchen, ordered, "Go fetch Maester Pycelle!"

Quickly stepping out of the room, the shutting of the door signaled. Only two were left in the room.

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