I won't let you go (Two)

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Summary: you wear a dress he won't let you go to the club in

"I won't let you go like this. You need to change." II crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"What?" You look down your body. Clinging to it is a short dress that emphasizes your curves and gives you confidence. Around your shoulder dangles a matching small bag in which you've stowed only the necessary for the night.

"I'm not letting you out like that." He points at your dress.

"Why not?" You groan. Your friends are already waiting for you because you're late, and now your boyfriend is stopping you too. "I only go to the club with friends."

II look at you in disbelief. "That's exactly why." He takes a step towards you and holds out his hand. "You go to the club like this." He lifts the bottom of your dress slightly. Immediately you push it down because your panties are showing.

"See." He says. "That's why I won't let you go like this." His voice is reproachful.

You blush. "Alright but I don't have time now. My friends are already waiting for me." You try to push past him, but you don't succeed. II holds you by the wrist. He looks intensely into your eyes.

"Y/N I'm not letting you go like this." You stare at each other. At some point II gives up. He realizes he can't change your mind. "Then I'll come with you."

You open your eyes wide in disbelief. "You're coming with me? To the club?"

II was only been to the club once and that was when he met you, never again after that. As he always says, it's enough for him to have you by his side now. His love, which makes enough adrenaline pumping through his veins in everyday life.

At the thought of your first meeting a smile creeps onto your lips. "I'm glad honey. Even if you're only coming because of my dress." You say teasingly to him.

"I can't help it. Please understand." Says II almost desperately. "You look way too hot in that dress. If you show up there alone..." There must be all kinds of situations going on in his head because his look becomes threatening. "That can't happen." He shakes his head. "That's why I'm coming with you."

"You know I would never start anything with anyone else." You assure him. No matter who, you'd dump him. II is the love of your life and always will be. "But I don't want to keep you from your plan. I'm glad you're coming with me."

You look down his body. "Are you going to stay like that?" II wears a tight black t-shirt that hugs every muscle of his torso and black sweatpants that hang loosely from his hips.

He looks down at himself. "Looks good, doesn't it?" His lips curl into a sly grin. "You love it when I wear it, don't you?"

You tilt your head. "I do, but it doesn't go with tonight. Put on something that looks more like a party."

II shakes his head. "No."

"What no?"

"I'm not changing. After all, you don't do it either even though I ask you to." He grins at you. "Besides, we don't have time. Your friends are already waiting for you." II repeats your already said words and grabs your hand.

A sigh escapes your mouth as you place your hand in his. "Everyone will be staring at us."

II opens the door for you. "Why?"

"Cause you look like you go to the gym. And I look like I'm about to party." You smile and step through the door. "At least I fit in."

As II closes the door, he laughs deeply. "They won't pay attention to me. They don't even have time for that when they're staring at you and that naughty little dress."

You blush. Luckily it's already too dark outside for II to see. "Oh yeah honey, just keep telling yourself that." You say, thinking about how all the women will stare at him. Maybe the men will stare at you, but the women's eyes will be on him. Not a single one can escape his handsome face and body, he's too perfect for that.

"Just keep telling yourself that." You say again and together you walk hand in hand to the first party II enters in years. And that's just because of your naughty little dress.

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