ch. 1 - Famous?

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Olivia's POV:

I just woke up, but I were already on train. Back to Hogwarts "yay". ( " means sarcastic )

I liked summers more. I love to sleep. Ofc. Who doesnt? I went to my friends Catharine and Nick. Catherine and Nick was both pureblood. I was the only half-blood and I lived with my muggle mom until I was 9 and then I flew to England and my mom lost me.

I got lost and my mom probably just went back to America. Soon, my mom became a famous model, because she was only 21. She had me when she was 14 by accident. She slept with my dad and accedently had me.

She was really young looking, she still looked 15, even tho she was 21. She became famous, while I was in England somewhere in the streets. Then my dad gave up his wizarding studies and went to America from Korea. He became famous too, while being a rapper.

Everyone was talking about my mom and my dad, even I heated of them. Soon I started to rap too, not knowing that I could be a witch. My mom never told me about it.

Then I got famous too but only in England. I had enough to but a house when I was by 10 and lived a good life alone.

Till once I watched TV, when I saw my mom on it. She went back to America, and got with my father back again.

And I knew of this all from the news. I saw my own mom giving interviews and it broke my heart.

*at the interview*

Reporter: ...I'm glad to hear that. And are you planning on having a child, or already have one?

My mom: Actually I did had one. Only that I left her in england when she was 9. Her name was Olivia. Olivia Stephen. The moment when I saw that she was missing first I got scared.

But then I calmed down and remembered that I didn't needed her. So I went back here hopping that she is already dead.


After that she got canceled and no one liked her anymore because of how bad of a mother she was.

Soon I became a huge rapper with a new song realise of mine and everyone knew my name. I didn't wanted my mom to know I was alive so I went by O3TQ the rapper.

It ment Olivia the queen, as OTQ but I put the 3 there bc it was my lucky number. I never revealed my real name, they only knew me as O3TQ and Olivia. Soon I began to be a celebrety at the age of 10 and meet other rappers like Eminem or Ice Spice.

Then I turned 11. It was the best year of my life. I did went to Hogwarts, only that other ppl thought I was missing and started making rumors about it.

At summer I came back and rapped more and more. And now...

Now here am I.


I sat down to my friends only to see them looking at me weird. And then I saw a phone on their hands. A PHONE!

Olivia- Hi. Are those phones in your hands?

Catharine- Yes, they like really popular right now! The whole school has one!

Nick- Yeah! Its like really good!

Catharine- Anyways, I got you one too, because I knew you wouldn't know this.

Olivia- Oh, no thank you. I'm a muggle. Of course I have one!

Nick- What phone you have?

Olivia- An Iphone.

Nick- Same here. I keep listening to this really famous rapper, she has such good music!

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