ch. 2 Fear

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Harry's POV:

We finally arrived to Hogwarts. I could feel my arm bleeding really bad. It is a realllllllllly long story.

It was summer, Dudley's birth day. He got 50 gifts this year. I was up in my room because I didn't really cared about Dudley, or his friking birthday.

I only cared  that school is about to start.

I was minding my own damn buissness when Dudley came in.

Dudley- Hello there.

Harry- What do you want.

Dudley- I got a special gift from mom and dad.

Harry- Like I care.

Dudley- Look! I believe you will be sooooooo happy!

He pulled out a knife. It was a really sharp knife to say.

Harry- What-

And this is how it happened. Dudley tortured me and I was bleeding really bad. My vision was already blurry.

Later Ron started to talk to me.

Ron- I can't believe we still have to sare a room with Finnigan!

Harry- Sorry, what?

Ron- You weren't listening?! Ugh. Anyways, Finnigan came out that he was gay, so I didn't wanted him to be in the same dorm with us anymore...

Harry- Wait.. You're homophobic?

Ron- Duh. They are sooooooo discussing!

Harry- that is not to great what if he finds out about...

Ron- So I talked to Dumbledore and he was able to decline it, and friking made Finnigan stay with us! Its so discusting!

Harry- Oh, uh...

Hermione- Ron you're so mean!

Ron- Why? Its not like they weren't discusting!

I could see Hermione trying to hide her tears.

Hermione- Well, maybe they aren't!

Ron- They are. But its not like any of us would be gay...

Harry- Yeah. Of course. "None of us" Only if he would know...

Ron- You are dating me, so you are straight...

Hermione- There's a thing called bisexual and panosexual!

Ron- Ew, trans ppl, even worse. Wait...

Hermione- You are so mean.

Ron- Are you trying to say you are gay/panosexual/bisexual or whatever it is?!

Hermione- What?! No! I just support them!

Ron- Gross. Anyways, let's just not talk about them! Oh, and here comes Parkinson and Malfoy. Ew.

Dra... I mean Malfoy bumped in to Ron, bit kept walking.

Ron- Watch were you going! Dumb ass.

Draco- Watch how you are speaking to me Weaslebee.

Then they left.

Ron- Dumb bitch.

Hermione- Ronald! Language!

Ron- You dare to speak to me like that again...

Harry- Wh-What?!

Ron- Nothing.

Harry- Hermione?! Does he always treat you like that?!

Hermione- Harry.. Its complicated.

Harry- No it isn't!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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