Arc 1: Chapter 1

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Hey! Long time, no see, readers! This chapter is a short one, but we will be releasing a total of 6 chapters in a row, one a day. So, even though this one isn't much, collectively you will be getting a lot of content for this story soon! Enjoy!

I stepped up and hopped onto the stool they placed in front of the crowd of first-years and the 'sorting hat', as they called it, was placed on top of my head.

"Oh, you are quite a talented one, aren't you? Not only hiding your presence but your mind as well." the hat said in a quiet voice. I didn't think it was audible to anyone but me, thankfully.

"I'm not a fan of being probed." I softly replied.

"Yes, but I need to sort you into a house, you see. If I cannot read you, I cannot place you."

Reading my thoughts, even in a case like this, was distasteful to me.

"Can't I just pick one myself?" I offered, fully expecting the hat to give me a hard time about this.

"I suppose that is acceptable... you wouldn't be the first to request such a thing from me. Very well, tell me what house you wish to be in and I will announce it."

It's that easy? Glad this thing is reasonable. Now...what would be the best choice?

First unconsciously accelerating my thoughts, I considered the pros and cons of the four houses of Hogwarts based on the limited knowledge I had of them so far.

Honestly, the only one that seems interesting to me is Slytherin, with that whole 'all dark wizards are from Slytherin' thing. Plus, I'm a Demon Lord, so it fits my vibe.

"Let's go with Slytherin then."

"Are you certain? That did not take you more than a moment to decide."

Only because I used Thought Acceleration.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I replied.

"Slytherin!" the hat shouts, now loud enough for the whole hall to hear, first-years and otherwise.

I then made my way over to the corresponding table, which was clad in dark green and silver, and quickly took my seat.

Whispers and glances rather than warm welcomes were what I got from my new fellow housemates.

Huh, cold reception. I can't say I was expecting this.

I didn't care, really, but it still kinda sucked.

"She's not Bri'ish, is she?"

"I don't think so."

So that's why...

"And what's up with those eyes? They are strange."

"Kind of creepy, if you ask me."

Hmm... maybe I should've had my eye color altered too... oh well.

[[Changing your appearance further would be an atrocity, dear. You are perfect the way you are. Do not listen to these fools.]]

It was too late for that anyway, so I just brushed their insulting comments off. I was sure they'd warm up to me soon enough.

"Hi, I'm Rimuru," I said to the kids seated around me since multiple of them were still eyeing me. "I'm an... uh, exchange student."

"Are you a pureblood?" one of them immediately asked.


[[I recommend you answer 'yes' to that question.]]

Okay, but what does that mean?

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