Arc 2: Chapter 5

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Ginny's POV

I sat at the breakfast table suffering through the barely passable soup some poor Hufflepuff student must've thrown together. It was inconceivable all the house elves would just stop working, and I still hadn't a clue why... According to messages some other students got, it was all of them, all over Britain.

Rimuru seemed to hate the soup just as much as me, scowling as she stares into her bowl, only occasionally taking a bite.

"I think they mixed up the dish water with the soup. What d'you think, Ginny?" Rimuru asked glumly.

"It certainly tastes like it. I think even my brother could cook better than this. I wish I could have my mother's cooking right now."

As if to answer my wish, a single gray feather fell on my head before the family owl slammed into my bowl of soup, thankfully nothing important was lost.

"Heh... that owl seems to like the dish water, at least. He's yours?"

"Unfortunately... Errol is the Weasly family owl. He never sticks a landing, at least he hasn't in my lifetime. Clumsy old thing..." I sighed and lifted the owl to cradle him a bit, he clearly needed rest. Damn my parents for sending him out on parcel work, even in his old age!

I then carefully took the letter attached to his sash and unraveled it.

"Oh, dear... Not like this. Why those devils..." I felt half a mind to flop into the soup myself. At least drowning would be an improvement over them coming to Hogwarts.


"My parents... They are coming here, to Hogwarts!"

"Ah, I thought you meant real ones. Might've had to get involved if you were dealin' with a few of those."


"Never mind, Ginny. Good luck with your parents. Based on your reaction, you'll need it." Rimuru paused seemingly ponderingly for a long moment, "On second thought, maybe I should help you with these so-called 'devils'."

"No, Rimuru, no!" It came out louder than I meant it, "No... I can handle my parents on my own. No need for you to get involved in my mess of a family."

"If you say so." Rimuru shrugged, "I know how difficult moms can be. Those, and women who like to act like they're your mom. You'll have your work cut out for you."

I was barely listening to Rimuru at this point, instead internally panicking about my parents' upcoming arrival.

I considered getting up to meet them at the courtyard entrance, then I considered that my siblings would be there. That, I didn't want to deal with. The bloody boys would give me a heart attack.

"Want me to make 'em leave? I could scare 'em off if you want."

Stupid Sebastian, that boy that follows Rimuru around, nods approvingly at the girl's suggestion, but I ignore him.

"I don't think that'll work, Rimuru! They aren't just visiting... They are going to work here! Both of them!" I could feel my heart flutter, I was close to fainting.

"Eh, I still think I could do it. I'm trying to scare off that dumb blabbermouth. What's two more staff members?"

"I don't want you traumatizing them, Rimuru..." I decidedly didn't hate my parents quite that much. Maybe Ron, but not my parents. "You can bully Ron if you want. He deserves it."

"Maybe. He did call me something... Don't quite remember."

"You complained about him calling you creepy." That boy that follows Rimuru around was helpful for the first time I've ever seen.

Rimuru Tempest and the World of Morons with Magic SticksМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя