Chapter five

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Audriana pov

I wake up and immediately feel a weight on me. My head is on something warm as a hand traces circles on my stomach, but from the steady breaths, I knew the other person was asleep. The last thing I really remember is falling asleep in the car after I put my bag of candy back in the plastic bag from the gas station. I look up and see blonde hair and Leah's face. She looks peaceful, as if this is her first time sleeping in months and that thought alone, makes me not want to wake her up. I reach behind me and pick up my phone, opening the camera app to see how shitty I looked. Surprisingly, it wasn't terrible. I must've been asleep for more than a few hours because when I check the time, it is 1 in the afternoon. I knew Leah was in offseason now, so she didn't have much to worry about meaning I could let her sleep. But was that the best decision? I guess we'll find that out later. 

As I decide to let Leah sleep, I slightly turn and lay on my back as I scroll mindlessly through my phone. Leah's arm draped across my stomach, under my shirt as she rests her head on my chest. Sometime after I had changed positions, she had followed. I knew the feeling of being restless, and I knew how bad she needed the sleep, and so I gave in to her. Unfortunately, everyone else had different plans. 

"Dude, get your ass up" Chase shouts as he walks in "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"Fucking Knock" I shout back as I sit up, reaching behind me and throwing a pillow at him. He laughs as he dodges it and takes many pictures, going into his blackmail folder. "Jesus Christ"

"I got to go" Leah says as she jumps out of my bed, rubbing her eyes as she looks around the room for her phone "Where the hell is my phone?"

"I don't know" I say rolling my eyes "Did you even bring it?"

"I shouldn't have stayed the night, I'm sorry" She tells me

"its fine, thanks for umm carrying me inside" I stutter as I walk over to my dresser "You should change though, you can wear this"

I hand her a blue oversized nike t shirt and black sweatpants, she quickly strips out of her own clothes and puts them on. I raise an eyebrow at her but she rolls her eyes at me in return, I laugh it off. She had to have had somewhere to be, is all I come up with. 

"Thank you" She says as she runs out and runs downstairs, immediately being teased by my brothers as they hug her hello. Okay, so maybe she didn't have anywhere to be and just wanted to get away from me. Both assumptions are very plausible. 

I quickly run downstairs behind her and have a tiny person running into my arms, I quickly pick her up and rest her on my hip as I say good morning. 

"Did you and aunt Leah have a sleepover?" She asks, her eyes big 

"umm, that's a very good question Bells" I say stuttering "I uh, yeah you could say that"

"I have to go, I'm so late" Leah says as she shouts goodbye and runs outside and over to her house, I watch as she gets into her car and speeds off. 

"She has an interview in 10 minutes" Jenson tells me as he can see the confusion written all over my face "So how exactly did blondie end up in your bed?"

"Jenson, not now" I say harshly as I walk over to our espresso machine, a smile taking over my face as I see one waiting for me "Where's dad?"

"He took Jenny out to brunch" Jenson tells us 

"That was 3 hours ago" Chase says confused

"Must be a really good brunch with a side of desert" Jenson jokes

"Ew Jenson, are you fucking kidding me?" I scold him 

Within a little more than a few hours, a small clip from Leah's interview had been posted online. I had seen it all over my phone, but more importantly...I saw the comments. So many people were so quick to pick up that the hoodie she was wearing was mine, it didn't help that it was my initials on the side of it either. Edits had already started circling their way through tik tok with that one sound "the shirt that you let me wear home" 

it almost made me laugh, reading everyones assumptions. Laughing about how confident they were in their theories or how wrong one was. Many players in the WSL as well as artists in the music industry would go through this, it was just something that happened when you were well known. Taylor had coached me through what to do when situations like these popped up, she had been through her fair share. I put my phone down on my bed and walk over to my window, grabbing my bowl and bud that I brought from California before packing it. I feel it go down into my lungs as I inhale and calmly blow it out, the effect already coming into place. 

Many things in Milton Keynes had changed, but this little routine hadn't. 

As the high wears off and she finally realizes that her phone is actually going off, she checks it. Regretting it the second she picked it up. There were so many pictures of Leah and her's relationship during high school. Pictures caught of them skinny dipping in the ocean, making out drunkenly at parties, Many candid pictures of  herself teasing Leah. Most of these pictures she hadn't even known existed. They all came out through an article where a close source to the both of us in high school had told the public everything and there was a link to all these pictures as proof, the worst part was...they were all right and we couldn't even say anything to deny it. 

Leah sends me the article, no comment before or after it and we leave it at that. I quickly forward it to my publicity team, only saying "We have a problem" From what I had seen on twitter, the woso fans truly believed that I had broken Leah's heart and my fan base, was convinced that Leah broke mine. It was a lose-lose situation for me and Leah, and for the fans it was a rough learning experience. 

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