#1 | bestfriends !

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nagi and reo are your two best friends, yet they are the polar opposite of each other but, they are still fun to be around. recently you realized they have taken a liking into teasing you often. right around time before class was about to start.

"say, how about you come over to my place today love?"

reo walked over to your desk, sitting on the edge and slightly leaning towards your way. it hasn't been long since he started calling you nicknames, this was a normal experience for you. yet you are still flattered by him.

"hey, y/n said she was going to play video games with me after school."

nagi stepped into the conversation, while he remained seated next to you. his attention on his phone playing his video game, while he was constantly tapping his screen with candy in his mouth.

"how about you two come over to my place instead and play your videos game there? my setups are way better and, i want the best quality for my dear~"

reo spoke in a flirtatious way, making you flustered for a moment. while giving you a grin. his talking manner just sounded expensive and in a flirty way. which completely melted your heart.

"how does that sound y/n? want to come over?"

nagi took his gaze off his phone for a minute, hoping for your answer. now nagi and reo are both expecting a answer from you.

"sure, sounds nice!"

"great! can't wait to give you princess treatment tonight~"

nagi then gave you smug look, while his hand reached into his pocket for another piece of candy. he then handed you a piece of candy.

"it's your favorite flavor isn't it?"

now he's started to sweet talk you, to the point all of it is getting to your head. while you happily accepted his small gift.

"how did you know?"

"oh, i know everything about you sweetheart."

his smug look remained on his face, as he captured your heart. yet you knew reo wasn't going to let nagi hog up all of the fun, till you felt something behind you pulling towards them. reo wrapped his arms around you keeping you away from nagi.

"maybe you do know everything about her, but it's not like you love her anymore than i do."

the two met their gaze at each other, until the class bell had finally saved you. it was time for class to begin while the both of them sighed at one another.

"i guess we could continue this after class, reo."

reo then looked away from nagi for a moment, before taking his seat next to you. while you sat in the middle between them. with a smile appearing on his face, class was about to be in session.

till you felt something pull you towards to the right. reo moved your chair slightly closer to him. being only a few inches away from each other.

"can you see the board love?"

right when he spoke, you felt your heart skip a beat. anymore of this and you're going to sprint out of the classroom. while you nodded back to him.

suddenly you felt nagi's glare shot straight at you, he sighs before pull your chair towards his end to the left by the window.

"cmon, you can't hog her up like that reo."

until you felt nagi lean his head onto your shoulder. completely ignoring class without having a single care in the world while having a game running on his phone.

"and who said i was hogging her up? hm?"

"you were with her for the entire day yesterday."

"and..? you were leeching onto her for the past week reo.."

they were both at each other for the past few minutes until you eventually broke it off due to not being able to hear your class's lecture.

"i'm sorry but.. can you two take it after class. i can't hear the sensei from over here"

you sighed, till the two of them quickly shut their mouths for you. while reo continued to take notes and nagi was just on his phone the entire time.


finally after class ended, you two started packing up all of your belongings, except nagi since he was playing his video game the entire class.

"finally... class was such a pain."

"nagi, you weren't doing anything the entire time except being on your phone."

"it's fine reo, let him be. we can just make him study when the time comes."

reo then turned to you, giving you a warm smile. it was definitely part of his personality to always be like this.

"perhaps your correct my dear, now may you hand your school bag over to me?"

he reached his hand out insisting to carry your hand on your way home for you. which was something he would normally do without a problem, so you ended up handing over your bag.

"now, shall we get going. the two of you?"

reo started making his way out while you and nagi nodded at him, till you felt nagi leech onto you. his entire body wrapped around your arm, and his head resting on your shoulder.

"yeah, let's get going.. i want to play video games when i get back."

the two of you started catching up to reo, as you three started walking off the campus. he turned around to you and nagi.

"shall we go to my place again?"

a/n: i hope the first chapter was interesting enough for you guys lmao

tease | s. nagi & m. reoWhere stories live. Discover now