#5 | practice !

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finally all of the school events were out of your way, it was finally time to relax with fewer stress on you everyday. today just happened to be one of reo and nagi's football practice days. you wanted to relax today, yet nagi insisted on you coming to see him practice. after all he is extremely clingy.

one of nagi's excuses he used to persuade you to come along was quite ridiculous. he ended up creating one of the stupidest excuses ever, being unable to focus when you're not around him. even reo could see through nagi's lies, in the end nagi just wanted you to watch him play.

the entire time you sat by the bleachers of the football field, watching over both of their bags and just watching them play football in general. you ended up zoning out mid-game till you heard a large slam coming from the field. when you snapped back into reality you realized nagi just scored a goal. the scores were going pretty well right when their coach blew his whistle.

everyone gathered back together, awaiting feedback from their coach till they were let off into a short break. from a distance you could see nagi grabbing the collar of his jersey to whip off part of his sweat from his face. yet who knew that was considered very attractive coming from a boy like him.

the two of them were finally on break, as you could see them heading towards your direction. seeing their exhausted face from playing for the past hour or so. you handed them their waterbottles to freshen themselves up.

"did you see me score that ball for you sweetheart?"

he gave you a smirk being extremely bold about him before pausing and taking another sip of his water. on the other hand reo seemed so done with nagi at this point, seeing nagi attempting to flirt with you, while he let his ego kick in.

"nagi is only like this because he wanted to show off to you, since you were watching us play."

"shut your mouth reo, you're acting like you don't do the same aswell."

they both ended up glaring at each other, clearly arguing eachother for you. which wasn't as surprising anymore, considering that they have been like this for the past few days. till their coach blew the whistle once more, recalling them to all return to their positions.

"make sure to keep your pretty eyes on me love."

"don't listen to a single thing reo says."

nagi clarified once more before returning to the football field to resume their game. you couldn't help it but let out a sigh. they've been weirdly acting like this for the past few days and it's beginning to worry you.

tease | s. nagi & m. reoWhere stories live. Discover now