please read

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Hay guys! I hope you're all doing well.
Sorry for not posting for so long! My phone broke and i still don't have a phone unfortunately.
So the reason why i'm writing this "please read" is because it has been quite some time since i've realized that i don't like my story but that doesn't mean that i will delate this. No. But i'm thinking about rewriting it.
Believe me that i don't want to rewrite it (i'm lazy) but I think that if the autor doesn't like her/his book then nore will the readers.
I know that some of the people liked it and i am truly thankful and happy because of that but i just can't keep writing if i don't like my writing.
I hope you guys understand me.
If you guys are curious about the changes then let me explane:
I'm thinking about changing a lot of things like some moments, delating some too, timing of the moments, adding moments and i might even change some names.
so i hope that you guys will like the changes and will read my story and like it💞
Love you all💯💋❣

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