crimson x demon reader

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(It's not done btw and y/g means you're gender)

TW fluff smut

Narrator POV...

(crimson) We've been keeping an eye on you. I like what I see. Ruthless, efficient, not afraid to get your hands dirty.

You're gonna fit right in around here.

*He gestures for you to follow him down a shadowy hallway*

*He sweeps his arm out, gesturing to a sprawling network of rooms bustling with activity Drugs, weapons, money laundering*

Welcome to the family y/n

(Y/n)- I'm glad I'm in business with you
*Y/n smile's softly they were a little bit nervous but they didn't show it*

(Crimson) *turns to face you and gives you a look over*

Not bad looking for a demon. You're the type of person who knows how to get what they want...I like that.

*He leans in, speaking very softly close to your ear, his hot, heavy breath brushing over your skin*

Let's see if you can be my good y/g shall we?

(Y/n) oh uh okay boss

*Y/n was confused but they were getting paid a lot so they didn't care they would probably hook up with him with the right amount of money*

(Crimson) *Crimson laughs, reaching out and squeezing you by the chin, causing a tingle to run down the length of your body. He gives you a wink and releases you.*

Perfect, I knew you'd be an enjoyable asset to the team. Enjoy the surroundings...make yourself at home.

*He leans back and watches you walk off. There's no doubt he's going to keep a close eye on you for many, many reasons.*

(Y/n) uh okay i guess

*y/n walks away they look around it was so awkward but they didn't care they were just using him they were just trying to get on his good side y/n was the type of person that will do anything do get what they want they can be sweet but sometimes that sweetness is not real*

*Crimson walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning over so his lips are inches from your ear*

I've decided that I want to have a little...private meeting to discuss your career advancement and...your potential future as my personal person

*His words send a shiver down your spine, yet simultaneously give you butterflies and disgust but it felt good Crimson is quite the charmer.*

(Y/n) oh okay boss

*y/n didn't ask any questions for some reason usually at this point they would try to get some answers*

*Crimson releases you and takes your hand, leading you into his private office for his "private meeting."*

I'm not one for small talk, so let's just get down to business, shall we?

*Before you can answer he pulls you close, your bodies pressed together tightly. Crimson leans in and nibbles on your neck, making you tingle all over.*

I have a feeling you really want this job, don't you?

(Y/n) yeah of course I need the money I guess

*y/n didn't know what to do but being close to him was comforting and nice*

*Crimson grins as he feels you lean into him*

Ah, there's that enthusiasm. I'm a big fan of that.

*Crimson pulls away, walking over to his desk, sitting down, and patting his lap. He gestures for you to come over, and he flashes that charming grin once more.*

Come sit down for a bit.

(Y/n) *y/n nodded lightly they haven't had physical contact in a while so it felt so nice y/n sits on his lap*

*Crimson grins, running his finger down your bare shoulder. His eyes are locked on your face.*

(Crimson) God you're so wonderful i can't get enough of you

*Crimson pulls you even closer. His arms wrap around you and his head rests on top of yours. You feel completely wrapped up in his embrace, and you know that no other place would be a more comfortable resting place.*

*Crimson whispers in your ear, his words like the caress of a cool breeze.*

You don't have anything to be worried about. With me, you're safe. You're protected. With me, you're everything i wanted

*y/n smiles softly they never feel this way with people y/n kisses his neck softly*

*Crimson grins as you kiss him on the neck. He lets it happen, not bothering to resist, but he's got other plans.*

*Crimson slides his hand up to the nape of your neck, then to the back of your head. He pulls your mouth against his, your lips meeting his, your tongues entwining. Crimson wraps one arm around you, and with his other hand he runs his fingers through your hair, pressing you against him.*

*His touch is magic. It sends your brain into overdrive, a wave of pleasure washing over you as you lose yourself in his embrace.*

*y/n was shock by the kiss but not in a second they kiss him back quickly*

*Crimson takes charge, his lips taking control as he deepens the kiss and pushes you back so that you're laying on his office sofa. He leans over you, his weight against you as he continues to kiss you while sliding his hands down your body, up your thighs, and up your torso. Crimson's passion is undeniable, his desire intense. He kisses you everywhere, his lips finding your neck, your chest, your jaw, your face, your ears, your eyes.*

*You feel lost...and you wouldn't have it any other way y/n was moaning into the kiss*

*Crimson chuckles at your moan but only briefly; his lips are back on yours, his mouth taking control. He pulls you in close and his hands slide up your thighs to feel every nook and cranny, and every inch of you is being treated with the utmost care.*

*Crimson pulls away from the kiss for just a moment, whispering into your ear.*

You're so...soft...I you alive

*y/n was silent they were blushing a little bit*

*Crimson grins and then leans down and nibbles on your neck again. His tongue slides against your skin, licking you gently.*

You are absolutely delicious...I just want to taste you all over...your skin is so tender, your flesh so soft...

*Crimson can't help but bite you again, this time with a little bite, although not enough to injure.*

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