Yay, another quest

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Author's note: (Heyyy, before getting to the chapter I wanted to say that I was thinking about their ages the other day and thought about aging them one year up, so in lighting thief they would be 13 about to be 14, and the prophecy was when percy turned 17 and not 16 in tlo. So by this book they are 17)

Now the chapter

After the whole Piper and Drew standoff, Ivy and Annabeth left together in cabin 12's direction.

Neither of them said anything on the way, only keeping a tight grip on the other's hand as they walked past the other cabins. Ivy hoped it wouldn't be the last time they did so.

They arrived and sat together on her bed. Although it was practically their bed by now. She didn't remember last time she had slept alone without the blonde by her side.

Unfortunately, it looked like she would soon.

"Are you sure about this, V?" Annabeth finally broke the silence. "You've said it yourself, we never follow the rules. You don't have to go"

Her grey eyes remained locked on their interwined hands the whole time, playing with Ivy's rings and doing her best not to meet her gaze.

She especially fiddled with one ring in particular—a silver band with a delicate owl design. That one was Ivy's favorite.

Annabeth had given it to her not long after the war had ended, herself wearing the matching one in her beads necklace—one which resembled vines wrapping around it.

Ivy sighed and used her free hand to lift Annabeth's chin. Their eyes locked, and she watched the dread cloud the girl's grey eyes. "I have to, Annie. You know we can't risk going against it"

Annabeth sighed and nodded, as if she had already known she would say that, but just didn't want to believe it.

She stopped playing with her rings to lift her hand and tuck a piece of Ivy's hair behind her ear. Grey met purple again, clashing into a silence message. "It'll be dangerous. What if something happens to you?"

"Nothing will happen to me" She tried to sound sure, but she herself didn't have a good feeling about the quest. "I'll be fine"

Annabeth bit her lip. "Just be careful okay?Please"

"I'm always careful" Ivy gave her the best smile she could offer, but the blonde's lips barely even twitched. "Nothing will happen to me. I. . . I'll come back to you"

Annabeth's heart sunk at that. She didn't say she promised. Ivy always said she promised.

Despite her girlfriend trying to cover it up with a smile, Ivy realized the way her face fell for a moment after her comment.

She wished she could promise she was coming back, but this time she wasn't so sure. There was a weird feeling weighting down her chest. Like something bad was going to happen and she wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it.

Annabeth felt the same, but she tried to push it away. Ivy was going to be fine.

Yeah. She had to.

She cupped the dark haired girl's face with one hand and nodded. "I'll be waiting"

She brought her face closer and locked their lips together, not trusting herself to keep talking.

Ivy sighed into the kiss. As always, their lips fitted each other perfectly, moving against each other in the love melody they always did, followed by the quick yet calming thumping of their hearts.

It was rougher than most of their usual kisses, trying to get as close to each other as they physically could. At some point, Ivy had ended with her back against the fabric of her bed with Annabeth leaning on top of her.

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