Chapter 6

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Brimsley hated himself at the moment. Why did he have to go on to tell Reynolds that? He plopped onto his bed and beat himself up for a moment. He knew what happened the last time they tried to stay apart for that long, and it ended with them getting it off for hours like rabbits.

He hopped off his bed and began to pace back and forth for several minutes. He couldn't possibily admit to defeat in front of Reynolds. If he did that, he would be admitting that he was weaker. He was getting stressed again. Brimsley knew that Reynolds had no problem telling him what was on his mind, and Brimsley didn't have to say anything because Reynolds always read him like a book. Their relationship was even harder since they had to hide it from the others or they would face death. 

Brimsley had no fear of death, and he was the brawn of their relationship, no matter how much height he lacked, but there was something poisonous about hiding it. He wanted to hold his hand when they walked down the street, tell people who get to flirty with him to back off, and wear his jacket when no one was looking. He hated having to watch the ladies of the court seducing him with their showing cleavages and silk dresses. In all honesty, he had been very close to murdering one of the ladies who had gotten too confident. He fiddled with the buttons on his jacket as he bagn to brace for the worst


Reynolds scratched his head in worry. The maids had been goofing off and not doing their work, putting them 4 days behind on their schedule. When Reynolds asked them why they had done this, they only laughed and answered that the Queen was gone and that she wasn't coming for another 2 weeks. "But Her Royal Majesty is pregnant!" he scolded them, but they wouldn't listen. He hadsat down on the nearest chair in fear of fainting from stress. Oh goodness, he thought, if the Queen saw that I couldn't handle this, she would behead me! He ruffled his hair and let out a long sigh. Maybe if Brimsley- he stopped thinking. It had been two weeks since they had last done anything together. He got even more frustrated. He could not stop thinking about the punishment Brimsley had given him. It was almost inhumane for him. 

The worst problem was that he was constantly working with others. For example, instead of calling out one of the maid's names, he yelled out Brimsley with all of his might. The short man actually heard the commotion and popped his head in. He was utterly embarassed after the event, so he tried his hardest to limitate his words. 

Suddenly, a head placed itself neatly on to the the of his shoulder. He jerked his head around to see which maid was daring to make a move, and found himself staring at Brimsley poorly hiding behind him.Brimsley was looking beyond him in pure terror.

"Brimsley?" he was suprised to see him even getting near him. In fact, he could feel the entire curve of his body on his back and legs. His midsection was so close. If he just moved-

He shook the thoughts out of his head. "T-there's a rat in my quarters. Please exterminate it" he snugged closer to Reynolds. Reynolds was very confused, "A rat? There is a living, breathing rodent in your room?". Brimsley nodded quickly. Reynolds looked around, trying to see if this was a test. Brimsley wasn't one to show this much affection, even when they were alone. "Why should I do it? Go ask the gardener to get it out for you" he tried to get Brimsley off his shoulder by gently shaking him off.

Brimsley strengthened his hold and shot a glare at the taller man, "Because I have a reputation to maintain," Reynolds narrowed his eyes, "...and maybe because I've got the itch and I need you to help me with it". Brimsley buried his face into Reynolds's arm before he could figure out what he was saying. He stood there dumbfounded for a couple moments. Then, it clicked: Brimsley was so desperate he couldn't wait the period he chose for them. He noticed the small bump that was hitting his side, and he grinned like a fool.

He wasn't making fun of the fact Brimsley was desperate. He actually found it quite arousing. It was just funny to him that Brimsley was the one who set up the time. He walked Brimsley down the corridor, and took a right to his room. There he opened the door and let both of them inside before closing the door with a big thump. He locked the door and scanned the room for the rodent, but it was nowhere to be found. The longer he looked, the more he found Brimsley's face guilty of something.

He finally spoke up, "Brimsley, where is the rodent?". Brimsley let out a giggle. It was one of the mischevious, I've-done-something laughs that filled Reynolds's heart with joy. "I may have fudged the truth a little..." He said. Reynolds smirked and leaned onto the bed. He planted a light kiss on his forehead. Brimsley hugged his waist and pulled him down onto the bed. He snuggled into his chest and sighed. Brimsley breathed in Reynolds hypnotic fragrance and closed his eyes in peaceful bliss. Reynolds wrapped himself around the smaller man and pressed his lips against Brimsley's forehead. He also sighed contently.

The Queen was right.

They were going to do this. Together.

HEYYYYY!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took too long to write, I was busy running for school president. Sadly, I didn't win, but I have you guys!  Stay safe everyone and I'll see you into chapter 7!

Zee out!

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