Chapter 8

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As they came through the portal, Aric and the Kombat Kids made their way through the streets of Outworld. The Kids were talking amongst themselves, while merely scanned the area. He didn't want to be unprepared in case something went wrong.

"So Aric, what's the deal between you and Li Mei?" Kung Jin decided to ask.

"Yeah. What's up with that?" Cassie chimed in.

"Nothing to worry about. It's nothing." Aric said as he continued to observe.

"Oh, come on. I saw her blushing." Jacqui put in.

"Very perceptive of you, Briggs." Aric complimented.

"So?" Takeda asked.

"Li Mei and I had a fling with each other." Aric admitted.

"What?" Cassie laughed.

"Holy shit!" Kung Jin said with a smirk. "But she's hot, so I don't blame you."

"It was short lived though." Aric continued. "The threat of Shao Kahn in Edenia made things hard to maintain with her, she understood the complication but she didn't want to accept it."

"Aw, she was a clinger." Jacqui commented.

"How'd you guys meet?" Takeda asked.

"My army and I saved her village, Sun Do from Shokan criminals." Aric said. "She was indebted to us and that's how our interaction started."

"Wow, Aric. Didn't know you had a woman in the past?" Cassie said.

"Yeah. We always thought you didn't have time for women." Jacqui piped up.

"I don't." Aric said. "I can't feel more guilty with another's death. Edenia's loss has made that effect on me too far deep."

"Who's Tyra anyway?" Kung Jin asked. "Keep hearing her name but no back story."

"Tyra?" Aric asked looking at Kung Jin, then he looked ahead again. "She was my Captain in the Edenian Army, she is very resourceful, strong and one of the skilled kombatsmts I've ever met. When Shao Kahn invaded, she held the line of defense. But I don't know what happened to her after that."

"You think she could be here?" Takeda asked.


Then they continued to walk in silence. Then Cassie broke the silence.

"Outworld's not what I expected."

"What do you mean?" Kung Jin asked.

"I don't know. I kinds expected the sky to be purple or something." Cassie replied.

"Don't believe everything you see online." Kung Jin stated.

"And what makes you an expert?" Cassie inquired.

"The Shaolin Archives. I studied a lot about Outworld." Kung Jin said calmly.

"No substitute for experience." Cassie said.

"So what makes you our leader?" Kung Jin asked a bit offensively.

Cassie stopped and they both shared at each other.

"That's enough of you two." Aric said seriously as he walked between them.

"Yeah. We should stick to the mission." Takeda said reminding them both.

"Li Mei has to be telling the truth. An invasion would violate the Reiko Accords." Jacqui said.

"Cause you can always trust an Outworlder." Kung Jin said.

"But if Outworld's our ally, why didn't they help us during the Netherrealm War? Against Quan Chi and his team of...." Takeda trailed off.

"Revenants? Like Jacqui's dad?" Kung Jin said insensitively.

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