Dare 3

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Me: Oooo, Golly! Finally another one on this book and it's from... Muffin_reads_Alot , it says, "For UK: I dare you to steal Ireland's potatoes,", to warn you UK, that Irish has the luck.

Uk: I know but I think it's just coincidences, so off I go

3 minute walk to her house*

Ireland: *watering her clovers with no idea what's up*

Uk: tip-toeing to the potatoes and slips bcuz of some wa•er*

Uk: Ow (he landed on his face)

Ireland: *Still doesn't know what's up I mean OmG*

Uk: *takes ONE potato*

Potatoes: G'BYE MOTHERFU- falls immediately]


Ireland: *finally notices* oh hi, Uk! How are you

Uk: Oh...Uh...just looking at...your potatoes...yes

Ireland: Don't worry...I CAUGHT YOU IN 4K, BOIIII

Uk: Ah shi-

Police Qatar was nearby

Ireland: Qat, Mr. United Kingdom was stealing my potatoes :((

Qatar: Ur under arrest, sir

Uk: The luck is real...

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