Flashback #5: The Pond

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My nerves are jittery. Like I've consumed too much coffee. I'm eager for the first enduro race taking place today. We're starting at the Aspen Trailhead and working our way around the perimeter of the park boundary. I've familiarized myself with the area to the best of my abilities. But nature is a living entity. I could study these trails and memorize every aspect of them, and still could not execute a perfect race. A rock could be out of place. A tree could've fallen from a vigorous windstorm.

As per usual, I need to be on top of my A-game.

Leaning against the bike, I work on my ham-and-swiss croissant sandwich. There's a lot for me to think about today. I've spent the past two months working on my reputation in British Columbia. My name appears more and more on social media, reports, et cetera. Its even been in the newspaper back home. I received a call from my parents, and they talked to me for four hours. They're planning to visit in the fall. Second, the race itself is eating away at me. Now that I have a reputation to uphold, I need to continue to perform under those expectations. I can't have any slip-ups. Nor can I allow this newfound relationship with Ridley to misguide me.

Luckily, we're on the same page in that respect. We know the boundaries of a competition—it comes before anything else. I want those medals and trophies just as much as Ridley does, but I also want to keep this charade going. Showing any signs of weakness will prompt people to sniff around. Which I don't want happening, despite me finding undermining a relationship or a rider's personal life so out of touch today. People should adapt to the idea that romance and work can coexist.

But here we are, still locked in this typical Western framework.

I take another bite of my sandwich, this time admiring the beauty as opposed to obsessing over my personal issues. Finland and British Columbia are very similar, but BC holds a different level of wild. Whenever I look around, I'm guaranteed to see an animal, be it as small as a chipmunk. There's also a comforting ominous vibe—I don't know how to explain it. Everything about the Okanagan draws me in, and I can't wait to see what hikes Ridley takes me on. She's promised to take me to all the hidden gems during our off days.

Speaking of Ridley... Someone joins my side. I know it's Ridley because of her perfume. The scent is volatile. Smoky and sweet, with a hint of gasoline from filling her dirt bike.

Her shoulder brushes mine, and it feels like the most intimate gesture. A secret language that's exclusive to us. These subtle actions pack more of a punch than the sex we have. Ridley's over so much I'm almost ready to joke around about her moving in with me. I've been to her place a few times, but we both agree that the lake house is unmatched. Hot summer nights beneath the dock... I rub my jaw and turn away from her to hide my grin. If she sees it, she'll start teasing me. It's too early in the morning for that.

After rummaging through my backpack, I withdraw a sandwich and hold it out to her. She never eats before rides, but I know I can guilt her into eating when I make her sandwiches. Perhaps it's wrong of me to do, but it's also wrong of her to not eat in the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Lots of breakfast foods are overrated, which is why I stick to leftovers and whatnot. People think I'm an odd duck in that respect, so the look Ridley is giving me doesn't bother me.

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