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Mom takes Alexia and me out for lunch after a check-up with the doctor and an MRI. We're heading down Pandosy Avenue, somewhere in the Lakeshore area. I'm a little woozy from the medication I took prior to the MRI. It was a small dose, enough to relax me, but the effects are numbing my mind and making my lips loose. With little left of my logic, I need to be careful about what I say. As far as Mom and my sister know, Teuvo and I were enemies and counselling is healing me.

They know nothing about stolen kisses and living together. Seems impossible at an age like this, right? It's nowhere near impossible when you have a rickety relationship with your family. Ever since I rose to fame and money... All I can say is it's caused some division between us.

For Alexia and me, it started when she wanted to find out who her sperm donor father was. I was against that. Mom wanted us because she couldn't find someone to settle down with. I felt like Alexia doing the research undermined Mom's parenting abilities. Her curiosity was valid, but creating a relationship? Again, undermining. He donated his sperm for a reason—and it was not to meet his kid or kids. I did my best to support her. But every so often, she'll claim me expressing my opinion was a form of intentional bitchiness. Then it leads to an argument. Since then, I've learned to engage with my sister in small doses. I think she's jealous of my success, when compared to her inability to hold a job for more than a year.

As for Mom... I suppress a sigh, pressing my cheek harder against the window. It's cool, despite the blazing sun outside. Buildings and cars whizz past me in a blur of streaked colours. Mom's never supported motocross. Throughout high school, I had to fund my journey. That meant working my ass off to pay for the original dirt bike, fixing it, and training. However, as soon as I made the team and started raking in the cash, something changed. Mom is a successful hairdresser with a wide range of clientele, but money is her key priority. She'll weave jabs about her raising us as a single mom into the conversations. I used to feel the guilt, but I no longer do.

Yes, I appreciate everything Mom did for us. The times she drove me to practice prior to getting my driver's license. Putting food on the table and getting us to school. But where do you draw the line? Some people say we owe parents everything. Others don't. I'll never know the answer. But what I know is that I have worked for my life, and I will not play games with people who enjoy manipulating or guilting others.

Based on their perceptions of me and my choice of career... Fuck, there's no way they would've approved of Teuvo. Two motocross riders who are willing to risk their lives? Mom wants me to find someone that'll coax me out of the sport. Alexia doesn't give a fuck—and that's what my problem would've been had she met him. Teuvo was one of the few genuine souls left on this planet. He deserved to be recognized.

Yet despite everything, I do still love Mom and Alexia. I hope one day, we can push past the drama that continues to thrive.

"How does the pub sound?" Mom asks.

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