Chapter 7: A Shameful Display!

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"Who's there?" Colin called out, deepening his voice and hoping it sounded intimidating, spreading his coat over Penelope in case the cur on the other side opened the curtain. He would not have Penelope gawked at... by anyone but him, at least.

"Who do you think?" the other voice practically sneered.

"Ben," he growled, partially relieved, but also annoyed. "How long have you been out there?"

"Not long. I started out on the other side of the room, covering my ears and waiting as long as I could for you two to be done with it, but apparently that wasn't to happen unless I made myself known." Colin could hear the wince in his voice as he went on. "Please tell me you are not undressed."

"Of course not," Colin said, deciding it was half-true, as he frantically tried to put Penelope's breasts back into her bodice. It felt more difficult than the reverse, perhaps because he didn't truly want to hide them away again. "But don't come in here! Miss Featherington was feeling faint and I was... assisting her."

Penelope let out a slight giggle at that and batted his hands away, setting her dress to rights.

Colin sighed at the loss. Once they were married, he'd insist she spend most of the day and night with her chest completely uncovered, at least for the first week... or six. He would do the same, of course, if she liked. He briefly remembered Ben's advice about finding a way to get his shirt off. Shame that hadn't happened here. He'd love to know if she admired his chest even half as much as he admired hers.

"Yes. A likely tale," Ben scoffed. "Her mother is looking for her. You should both thank your lucky stars I found you first."

Penelope's smile dropped at that and she rushed past him to the curtain, yanking it open. "Is she upset? What did she say?"

"Don't worry too much." Benedict gave her a slight smile and bent to scoop up her discarded bonnet. "Apparently Rubens' work is far too scandalous for her eyes. She wishes to go to Gunter's where everyone has their clothes on."

"Gunter's actually sounds quite nice," Colin said. "It's very hot today. Nothing a lemon ice won't—"

"Absolutely not," Ben cut in. "I think you've had enough treats for today."

Colin tried to laugh, but it came out like a weak wheeze. "Listen, what you heard was—"

"Much more than I wished," Ben said peevishly. "I really hoped it wasn't," he gestured between them, "this." He turned to Penelope, brushing off her bonnet and handing it to her. "I'd like to apologize for my brother's boorish behavior."

Penelope flushed, taking with her bonnet. "Mr. Bridgerton was actually quite... gallant in his aid to me."

"Was he, now?" Benedict stared him down. "I apologize nonetheless. He knows much better than to abscond to empty rooms with unmarried ladies."

Colin glared at him. "You're the one that said to—"

"I gently advised you to make her feel desirable," Ben said, glaring right back at him, "not to maul her in public!"

"Advised?" Then Penelope was glaring at him, too, and not Ben who'd opened his gigantic mouth.

It didn't even matter that he'd opened his own first, not when she was this angry.

"What does he mean by advised?" Penelope demanded. "Why would your brother or anyone have any advice to give on this? Why would you ask?"

Colin stared at the floor. "I only asked for some guidance on how to contend with you — you and your stubbornness," he finished, lifting his chin.

Penelope gasped. "You are unbelievable!"

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