Mammoth Mogul Epilogue

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Sonic wakes up in a white void and stands up holding his head.

Sonic: Uuuggghhh, my head.

Sonic looks around and sees he's not in Metropolis with his friends.

Sonic: Hello?! Where am I?!

??? Safe.

Sonic jumps and turns around to see a creature made out of water.

Sonic jumps and turns around to see a creature made out of water

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Sonic: Who... who are you?

Chaos: I am Chaos.

Sonic: Wait, THE Chaos? The wish granting Chaos?!

Chaos: The one and only.

Sonic: H-how?! How are you here?!

Chaos: Technically, I am not.

Sonic tilts his head in confusion.

Sonic: Huh?

Chaos: Once you touched the Chaos Emerald, we connected. It allowed me to form a bond with you so we may have this slim time to communicate.

Sonic: O....kay? I don't know what you want to discuss, cause Tikal pretty much told me the whole spiel. And besides, I'm pretty much destined to save the world so no biggies.

Chaos: Destiny can change.

Sonic: What do you mean?

Chaos: What Tikal showed you is one possible outcome in a roaring sea of infinite destinies. That is the one destiny we are hoping to abtained.

Sonic: But how can destinies change? It's destiny!!

Chaos: The power of choice is a... well chaotic premise Sonic. Any decision you make can change countless courses of destiny. Yours and others at the same time.

Sonic: So what decides the factor that'll give me that good future? The one where the RoboEmperor doesn't basically destroy the world?

Chaos: I cannot say Sonic.

Sonic: WHY NOT?!

Chaos: Because telling you would cause a massive change, causing that future to not exist.

Sonic: So why am I here?! Why are you telling me all this?

Chaos: So you'll know that your choices matter. Never waver, believe you are on the right path.

Sonic: And if I'm not?

Chaos: I have faith that you will be. Now, wake up.

Sonic: Wake up?

Sonic suddenly snaps into a sitting position on a bed. He looks around to see Knuckles sleeping in a bed beside him and Tails sitting at a desk working on some tech.

Sonic: Tails?

Tails turns around and a wide smile appears on his face.

Tails: You're awake! *sighs with relief* We were worried about you.

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