Long Claw

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Tails: We should be there soon!!

Sonic nods and stares forward into the sky.

Shadow: Everything alright?

Sonic shakes his head in clarity.

Sonic: Huh?

Shadow: Something's on your mind. What is it?

Sonic: Those bird people, especially that hawk guy. I'm just worried about them attacking us again is all.

Shadow: Is that all?

Sonic: .... No.

Shadow: Wanna talk about it?

Sonic: Not really.

Shadow: Alright then.

Sonic turns to Shadow with a look of shock.

Sonic: Really? Not gonna press me?

Shadow: Not my place to pry. You'll tell us when you're up to it.

Sonic smiles thankfully.

Sonic: Thanks Shads, I appreciate that.

Shadow: No problem.

Sonic: Speaking of asking people things, what's up with you and Knux?

Shadow tightens his fist and his eyes harden as he looks away from Sonic.

Shadow: Dreads being annoying like always, nothing new there.

Sonic: Clearly, but he hasn't said a word to you ever since the attack.

Shadow: Probably finally realised that I don't want anything to do with him.

Sonic: You don't mean that Shadow. You care about what he thinks.

Shadow raises an eyebrow at Sonic.

Shadow: What makes you think that?

Sonic chuckles and shakes his head.

Sonic: Cause I know you, and I know Knux. Whatever is going on between you two, you should try to make up before you both regret saying nothing.

Shadow's eyes soften and his fist relaxes.

Shadow: Sure. Later.

Sonic smiles and nods.

Sonic: Good.

Tails: Dead ahead guys!!!

Sonic and Shadow both look forward and both of their mouths open agape in awe.

Sonic: No way.

In front of them is a floating island made entirely of water with a futuristic city hovering above the water.

Sonic: That island has to be the Aquatic Capital!

Tails: And Metal City is dead ahead as well.

Shadow: Amazing, an island made out of water! Truly Mobius is a world of wonder.

Knuckles: And a floating city as well. How is that possible?

Nicole: The city used the technology of that was used to make the Ark float.

Shadow: Really? The professor's technology has helped people after all.

A small smile forms on Shadow's face.

Shadow: Truly amazing.

Tails: Alright, I'm preparing to land.

Sonic: Alright! Let's get ready, the Metal City awaits!!

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