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Y/n shouted but their luck jungkook didn't heard it

Y/n: what are those wounds and injuries girl!

All of their attention turned towards Rosie , they all examined her , and they noticed the brusie

Rosie:umm it's ntg just I fell down

Y/n: don't LIE bitch !

Jisoo:omo what is that Rosie

Jennie : someone has been hurting you

Lisa:from when and why the hell u hided form us

Y/n eyes got teary, the brusie were really deep and very cruel to even imagine the torture, one can go through

Rosie:guys don't panic , y/n stop crying plsss I will explain everything in detail during break stop crying and stop panicking now

Y/n gave her a death glare but still her eyes are a little red

After some time

First period ended jungkook came out and said
"It's the first and last time warning you all , don't repeat again" he went saying his famous dialogue
But it is the truth

Anyway y/n angrily dashed inside ignoring the other girls

They all look at Rosie and they also went in , she just sighed and proceed in

Time skip to the lunch interval

They all went to cafeteria and started discussing

Jisoo:spilt the tea Rosie

Y/n: everything in clear words

Rosie took a long breath and said

"Guys listen cal-mly first , I don't know all of their name-s b-ut , one boy's name is Jo-hn and other one is ben , they are total 6 member , they have been t-orturing me -from a week , and the only reason I was calm was my little cousin brother , they kn-ew my cou-sin's hous-e and they had been threatening me- that they w-ill ki-dnap him- and this is not the first- time -each and ev-ery time th-ey have been dng this , just one girl for every month and thi-s mon-th they chose-n me and the thing was everything is this is connected with -ava i am not sure but i think so and as p-er my -know-ledge they e-ven took of the clothes of one girl and clicked the pics of her an-d had been threat-ening her w-ith her little siste-r's name , I - I have been hiding this all bcz they even threatened if anyone knew this , they will also e-xp-erience the same , they h-ad been stalking me every day but today not- all of were present esp-ecially not the one who was stalking me "

"When this all would happen like , you are always with us right? " Lisa asked completed shocked

"E-v-ery morning " Rosie said breaking down completely

Y/n and Lisa widened their eyes

"That means you are the one shouting, every morning " y/n almost shouted but stopped ,
Two drops of tears left from her eyes

Rosie: y/n don't say it Mr.Jeon, he will be soo angry and definitely
Punish them and they may even kill us

Y/n:how can I without? And u would be enduring the torture for whole month and we all should be sitting quietly and watch and enjoy the show fucking show?

"Please y/nie" Rosie requested

Jisoo: then how the we should stop this

Jennie:let's talk to them

Rosie: are u guys crazy , they will kill us

Lisa:not a problem,tomorrow morning definitely, let's try to persuade them calmly first

Y/n:it's not like we r fighters
Let's just try to end, if they don't agree I myself would say this all jungkook

Rosie sighed

They all were really sad , Lisa was at verge of crying , but our y/nie cried , they r trying their best to stop crying because if ava notices she would be triggering them all

Time skip

After the college

Y/n is eating while Watching tv but
Her mind is somewhere else she really wanted to punch ava for this but Rosie wasn't sure about it and her mood is not good at all

"What's on your mind" jungkook said while entering hall

Y/n immediately adjusted herself

Y/n: nothing

Jk: I don't think so

Y/n:I said na it's ntg leave it here

Jk:why so angry

Y/n just glared at him

Jk:you are the one who came late , though i dropped you early , you finished all gossips with your friend and came late , and you are expecting me to be calm and welcome you, huh?

Y/n:just don't argue with me 🙄🙄

Jk:okay anyway why 5 of you all had been shouting outside the classroom even after i sent you all out

Y/n: definitely none of your business

Jk: really 🤨, you kept your manners in dustbin I think

Y/n:yeah man , any doubts

Jk:okay , do as you wish , I will keep sending you out of the class every day and every morning

Y/n:u really like to make me angry right, I am not in mood to get irritated jungkook leave form here

Jk:get lost monkey

Y/n:I said it first so better take my words

Jk:😑😑🙄🙄 I am older so do as I ordered, other wise I will make you kneel down the whole week form tomorrow in university

Y/n: you are really using your professor card too much

Jk:it's my wish (jk said and smirked)

Y/n sighed and went from there to refrigerator to take her favourite icecream and didn't found it

Y/n:jungkook don't tell you just ate my-

Jk:I did

She hates it soo much when someone still her food .
Y/n was aldready in bad mood now it got worsened and she went to himand started pulling his hair

Jk:leave girlllllllll




Soon they soon heard a voice form entrance door

??: you really became a brat y/n,

Y/n flinched and left his hair , both their gaze went towards door


To be continued.....

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