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After sometime

Y/n woke up and sighed heavily
She has been terrified laying on his board chest and she can feel his hot breaths though, she took a little peek towards him and saw him sleeping closing his eyes she tried to get up from his hold and slowly she got up but instantly fell back on his lap , yeah he pulled her back to his lap

"Trying to escape? Mrs.Jeon" he asked still with his eyes closed

His every word and action is increasing tension in her

"N-o" she spoke gulping her saliva

She was looking down sitting on his lap feeling silence for along time she took a peek and saw him aldready looking at her

"Jun-gk-ook" she whispered
"Not this time" jungkook said gently patting her arm indicating her to get up

But instead of getting up she held his shirt tight closing her eyes

"Strange that you are going to get punished from me and you also need comfort from me ? Hmmm..."
Jungkook said keeping her hair strands behind her ear

"Jungkook slid-e for this time *she looked at him* plea-se "

Jungkook sighed heavily and he shook his head

"Get up" he said slowly soothing her back

Jungkook said pressing on each word directly staring into her soul

She slowly got up and stood infront of him like a scared kitten looking down

He stood up and lifted her chin up and made her looke at him

"Why are you scared now? I begged you not to hide anything"
Jungkook said looking deep into her soul

"I'm sorry-"
"Turn around" he said in his cold ice tone sending shivers through her spines

"It's gonna be just 5, don't make me more mad of you don't want me to make it 20" jungkook said keeping his hands in pocket and throwing his head back closing his eyes

Y/n was too stunned to speak she never saw this type of bunny
"1...." He started counting,knowing she had no option left she closed her eyes tight and turned around
Weighing herself on desk but she stood straight still eyes closed

Her eyes opened wide when she heard the belt unlocking sound, she immediately turned around feeling petrified "jungkook plea-se no"

He didn't react he removed the belt and doubled
"Turn around y/n" he said keeping his cold aura

She was about open her mouth but instantly stopped when he signalled her to stop
"Y/n" he said and sighed heavily

She understood it's better to accept the situation and turned around completely trembling

Jungkook came towards her, stood side of her and started rubbing her sitting spot with belt , he was looking into her eyes which were tightly shut down his each action sending an shivering to y/n
She screamed when he gave hard hit on her sitting spot she instantly turned around
"Jungkook plea-se" she asked him looking at him trying to rub the area

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