A New World

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I lay bruised and bleeding on the soft grass wanting desperately for the pain to end. Why did they send me here?
My family will be terribly worried. Darkness crept into the corners of my eyes as the blue sky spun violently.
I hoped I would be found soon and not left to die in this strange world.

——— Harry

"Ron!" Hermione chastised as the red headed wizard jumped from the Thestral carriage as it rattled up the long path to the castle.
Ron ran from the carriage bolting to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
Hermione and I jumped from the carriage hurrying after him.
"Is that a person?" Hermione shrieked as we neared Ron who was crouching nearby an injured girl.
The girl was interesting to say in the least. She had the longest dark hair I'd ever seen, ears shaped like a leaf, pale skin that didn't look sickly and delicate features.
"I don't think she is human 'Mione." Ron said standing up and taking a step back.
"She needs help. Quick let's get her to the castle!" Hermione commanded pulling her wand out.
With a quick wave, the girl lifted gently from the grass into the air. She wore strange clothes made from a thin fabric, kind of like silk, most likely silk, her arm hung at her side in a way that did not look normal.
The three of us ran quickly, the girl floating behind us to the castle in the distance. Blood dripped along the ground at an alarming rate from the body behind us.
"Hermione she's bleeding bad." I said as we reached the castle doors.
"I know! Run and get the headmistress. Meet us at the hospital wing!" She demanded of me and I ran off in the direction of the great hall.
One year. That's all I ask. One year without any events. But no, I got two months.

——— Arniel

A warg stalked towards me, his bloodied teeth bared menacingly. I was not prepared for this. Where is Glorfindel? He was supposed to protect me on this journey home! Ada is going to be furious! Oh Valar I was going to die. The knife in my hand seemed useless at this point.
With a snarl the warg pounced at me, my scream echoed in my ears as he latched onto my side.
I sat up with a gasp. The terrifying dream replayed over in my head. Unfortunately, the great sting in my right side told me it wasn't a dream.
Looking around, I took in the unusual décor. Beds made from metal with thin mattresses on them. Crisp white linen perfectly laid on each one. Metal frames on wheels with curtains sat next to each bed. What was that glass ball with light in it on the ceiling?
My head throbbed as I tried to made sense of my surroundings.
"Oh child! You're awake!" A human woman said as she hurried over.
"You should be laying down. You were quite injured. Lucky to have been found if I say so myself." She said pushing my shoulder back towards the bed.
"Do not touch me." I hissed at the woman. She rolled her eyes in exasperation but stopped.
"Where am I? What is this place?" I demanded firmly. I was not always this harsh, but I was hurting, lost, confused and scared. All my elvish diplomatic training went out the window.
"You're at Hogwarts dear. School of witchcraft and wizardry. Now stay here for me. I'll go get he headmistress." She said bustling off out the large wooden doors.
Throwing back the white linen, I jumped out of the bed. What am I wearing? This is indecent. Where was my dress? It was a gift from Arwen I must find it.
Oh...Arwen. I've probably missed our birthday celebrations. She was so excited to tell me something.
"Goheno Nîn Arwen! I am very lost nethel." I said as I rummaged through the cupboard near the bed. No dress.
"Rhaich!" I spat sitting back on the bed. My side ached.
The huge doors opened and in walked a human female version of Mithrandir. She wore a tall pointed hat and long green robes. The other lady was beside her leading to me.
"Where is my dress. This is very indecent." I demanded standing from the bed gesturing to the short gown I wore.
"It was damaged greatly. I disposed of it." The first Lady said to me. I clenched my fists in anger.
"Give it back. It was a gift from my sister made from the finest silk of Lorien." I snapped to the insolent human.
"Dear child. Settle yourself. We will get it repaired for you." The headmistress said to me.
I turned my burning gaze on the woman.
"You do not address me as child mortal. I am a Millenia older than you." I hissed at her. She held her hands up to placate me.

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