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"yes senior....yess.... there's nothing I can point about by now, he's just showing me his good side that's why I'm not able to inform anythinh. Yes sir.... he's just seeming to enjoy his dating era. Donot worry sir I'll definitely inform you if I'll find anything suspectable.... thank-you sir. Have a good day!"
Woooof- jungkook sighed loudly. Just as he entered his apartment, his senior called him and as usual asked him about any progress.

"Geez when will I be able to collect any proof, these all feelings will just me up damnit!" Jungkook mumbled to himself. He was so comfused by his own behaviour, he just can't understand why he's not able to push taehyung away from himself.

~Next Morning~

Jungkook is already up and was going to make himself some pancakes but the ingredients were not complete. "Ughhhhh wtf man, there's always nothing but an empty fridge whenever I'll try to make something fo me. Now i have to go for grocery shopping damnit" Jungkook sulked on himself. He was already feeling so lazy today and now going to shopping is just like adding chilli powder on wounds man. He just got ready lazily wearing his light brown shorts, a white tshirt and his hair was a mess. But did he care??- nnah!!!.

"Life sucks!" He groaned and closed the door with a loud *dumm* sound.

He was walking very cutely and was holding the grocery bag in one hand. A frown formed on his forehead and an adorable pout on his lips.

"Umm should i take this brand's vanilla essence or not??" He was talking to himself confusedly. "I think this one is better....yeah okay done" he squealed in happiness just like a 5 year old kid whose mother agreed to buy him a candy. Sometimes by his behaviour you can't tell that he's actually serving his country. He started to humm a song in tiny but froze on his spot when felt a hand gripping his waist. His eyes shot open and he turned in an instant.

But to his too much amusement his eyes met with his so called "boyfriend" smiling sweetly at him. "Hello baby" Kim whispered sweetly. Jungkook instantly detached himself and hid his face in his hands. "Please go awayy.... I'm not properly dressed today" Jungkook informed in a rush tone. Brown haired male chuckled at his such behaviour and pulled him towards by his waist. "You are so adorable do you know? And you are most good looking man in the world even like this Jungkook" saying so he kissed his hands covering his face.

Jungkook got flustered and removed his hands. "O-okay but what are you doing here?" Asked jungkook in little voice. "Ahh... yk i was just passing by here and saw you inside this store so.....here I am. What are you doing here though? Lemme guess, buying stuff to make pancakes?" Said Kim. "Wait- what? How do you know that ??" Jungkook asked traumatized. "This is what your ingredients just told me baby" replied kim laughing a little. How dumb jungkook??

"By the way, if you're done shopping come I'll drop you off to apartments hm?" kim told jungkook to which he nodded lightly.

"Oh shit!!" Jungkook screamed suddenly. "Geeez jungkook, what happened you just dragged me to death" said kim. "Oh I'm sorry it's just that one of grocery bag is left at the store" jungkook replied in a small voice embarassed by his own actions. "Oh okay, don't worry Jungkook, I'll go get it " said Taehyung and left the car.

Now jungkook was sitting all by himself in that luxury car. Suddenly a pen drive with red chip caught his attention. He immediately grabbed it and got curious what can be inside of this drive. Just then Taehyung's voice rang in his ear and he kept that pen drive in pocket of his shorts. He started to sweat badly.

"Should we head to home now Jungkook?" Asked kim while placing the bag on back seat. "S-sure" was all Jungkook could manage. "What happened baby? You're sweating suddenly....should i turn on the AC hm?" Asked Kim while wiping Jungkook's face with tissue paper softly. "N-noo!!..... i mean I'm fine let's go now" Jungkook replied abruptly. "Ofc Jungkook " smiled sweetly kim and leaned forward capturing Jungkook's soft lips.

Jungkook is again paralysed as usual. It's obviously not his first kiss but that electric feeling is still there and it just keeps increasing with every physical contact.

"Thanks for the ride Taehyung" said Jungkook shyly while standing in front of his apartment. Taehyung leaned forward, placed a wet kiss on brunette's cheek and got in his car while mouthing a small 'bye'.

"I really don't know if I should check this pendrive or not but i just know that i have to...." Jungkook mumbled to himself and connected that drive in his laptop. He thought it would be much more appropriate to check this pendrive first before handing to his Senior.

"Damnit Kim Taehyung .... why are you like this man" cried out jungkook, his eyes blood shot red!

Thanks for reading guys. Feel free to give suggestions 💕!
What do you'll think Jungkook has seen in that pendrive?
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