it is what it is

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As I drove back home after dropping off Donny, a sudden and intense sensation of magic being used near the border overwhelmed me. It was a powerful surge, one that felt like it was trying to break through the protective wards I had set up around the pack's territory. My heart raced, and I knew I had to investigate.

The urgency of the situation made me speed towards the town hall of the town where I had felt the magical disturbance. As I arrived, I noticed something odd. The people were behaving strangely, moving in unison as if they were under some external influence. It was a kind of strangeness that only a witch like me could recognize, and I knew that they were being controlled.

My instincts kicked into high gear as I realized that something dark and sinister was afoot. I needed to figure out who was behind this and put an end to it before it posed a threat to the pack and the town. With a determined resolve, I began to investigate further, ready to confront whatever malevolent force was at work.

I parked my car in the middle of the street and jumped out. My heart was pounding with a mix of fear and anger as I sent waves of magic through the air, dispelling the controlling spells. A witch who had been manipulating the townsfolk fell from her enchantment, tumbling to the ground.

Confusion spread through the crowd as the people around us looked around, bewildered by the sudden release from the enchantment. The witch on the ground tried to get up, but I was seething with anger and used my magic to hold her down.

"What do you think you're doing?" the witch spat.

I leaned closer, my voice firm and commanding. "You're going to answer my questions, or I won't be so gentle next time."

With a flick of my wrist, I ordered the people to head inside the nearby buildings, away from the commotion. They moved quickly, sensing the urgency of the situation.

"Now," I said, turning my attention back to the witch on the ground. "Who sent you, and what was your purpose here?"

"A Shaw? You're family is quite known for their, personalities" she says acting cocky.

"And would personally escort you to the gates of hell but unfortunately satan doesn't seem to want you" I retorted annoyed.

I clench my hand and make her wheeze in pain. "Answer the fucking questions"

"Please, this is an insult. I'm here to finish what I started" she says smirking then it hits me like a bag of bricks. She the culprit that killed the ex alpha.

My shock quickly turned to anger.

I leaned in closer, my voice filled with a dangerous edge. "You do realize that this pack is now under my protection, don't you? If you ever try anything like that again, you're going to regret it."

But before I could proceed further, a sudden commotion drew my attention. The alpha and the beta had arrived on the scene, and their shock at finding me there was evident.

Tabitha, seizing the opportunity, attempted to use a killing spell on Alpha Callahan. Without a second thought, I acted swiftly. I summoned a portal and forcefully shoved her through it, sending her tumbling into a nearby garbage bin. With another wave of my hand, I sealed the portal closed.

The alpha and beta stared in disbelief, and I could see the questions in their eyes. It was a tense moment, and I knew I had some explaining to do.

Alpha Callahan's expression was a mix of anger and annoyance. "Why did you put her in a portal? We needed to interrogate her"

Annoyed, I shot back, "Next time, I'll just let her cast her spell, and you can deal with the consequences. It was a killing spell, in case you didn't notice."

As pack members began to walk out of their hiding places, their looks held a newfound appreciation for my abilities. The tension in the air seemed to ease, and some even offered me nods of gratitude.

The alpha, still concerned, requested that I get looked at to ensure I was unharmed. Annoyed at the fuss, I flexed my magic, the visible shimmer of energy surrounding me. "I wasn't even touched," I remarked with a smirk.

It was clear that my presence in the pack had been solidified, and I had earned a degree of respect from the members.

"She took down my Wall" I tell the alpha. He looks like he's analyzing the situation, pretty alpha if you asked me. He was so attractive it actually hurt sometimes.

"Wall?" He asks curiously.

"I didn't feel safe knowing you just raw dog your borders. So I set up a wall or enchantment around your territory it's kept up well" I confess. The beta interrupts, "I'm guessing it's keeping out the rouges. Probably why our warriors have come empty handed"

"There's a catch to the spell, only I know" I inform him while nodding. "She used a form of dark magic to beak through it."

"Dark magic and luminous magic tend to be like water and oil" I explain. "The enchantment is repairing as we speak but, we'll need to be more vigilant"

"Is it true that dark magic.."the beta asks.

Cutting him off I reply. "Dark magic comes with a price, once you touch it you're a walking tombstone. It'll eat your soul and rip it from the inside out. Until, it's released"

"What's the release?" The alpha ask dreading the question.

"Probably bloodshed" I say firmly. "Or something like that"

"We will need to discuss this back at the pack house" Alpha Callahan orders. "We'll brief in 10, let's go"

It was 11pm I was ready to go to bed. Not to mention I used my powers and those bitches drained me. But here I was getting hauled into my car and getting driven by the beta who kept saying he was going to buy this car when he had kids.

The discussion at the pack house went on for what felt like an eternity. The alpha, beta, and gamma debated strategies and plans for dealing with the threat Sybil posed. It was well past midnight, and my exhaustion had reached its limit.

Unable to keep my eyes open any longer, I found a comfortable spot on the couch and drifted into a deep slumber. While the pack members discussed the pressing matters of the pack, I lay on the couch, oblivious to their conversations.

It was an unusual sight, me, a newcomer, sleeping on the pack's living room couch. But I had done my part for the night, and fatigue had finally overtaken me, pulling me into a realm of dreams and rest.

Soon I heard the muttering voice of the three people. "Is she asleep?" I hear a deep voice ask.

"It's 2am, Ethan. Poor girl, just used a bunch of voodoo stuff. She exhausted" I hear the beta retort.

I heard the alpha, whose name was Sebastian, utter something about moving me to a more comfortable spot. It was a surprising gesture, one that garnered surprised glances from the beta and the gamma. They knew it was uncommon for the alpha to be so generous, but they couldn't comprehend the reason behind it.

But my sleepy self didn't have chill, she grabbing the pillow with all her might and when it was taken away the next best thing was the incredible specimen holding me.

Was I embarrassed? That's a definition. But regret? I had none.

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