Controlling Dreams

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Hey guys! Welcome back!

So, I know that this story sometimes isn't the best paced, but for this chapter, the Golden Trio will see a few glimpses at Percy's adventures.

I hope you guys enjoy this!

Ron's POV:

Hermoine's plan was simple yet dangerous. If it worked, we would know a lot more information about Percy and his life before Hogwarts. If it failed, though, we would probably each have our brains fried.

So, naturally, we're going to take the risk.

According to Hermoine, Voldemort had been able to show us what he wanted to in our dreams. It took a lot of power, but considering the fact that he was immortal, it was easy for him. And Hermoine intends on showing us some of Percy's past in our dreams.

The only problem? We need Percy to assist us.

"Hey Percy!" I called from across the table. He was eating with Neville and looked like he was telling him a story about flying a goose. He froze in a standing flying gesture.

"Yeah?" he said, sitting down.

"We need a favour," I said.

"What is it?" Percy was starting to look suspicious.

"Well," Hermoine started. "I'm doing this extra credit project, and I've decided to create a potion of my own creation. It's a sleeping potion, but as soon as you drink it, everyone in the room, including yourself, falls asleep."

"And you want me to drink it," Percy finished.

"Well, yes," I said. "What do you say?"

"I say, why can't one of you guys drink the potion and the other 2 fall asleep? Why do you need me?"

"We want to test it on a few people, and 2 people might not be enough to get accurate results." Harry stated quickly. Since when was he good at improvisation?

"But why me?"

"You seem to have a strong mind," I said. "In all honesty, there's a chance that this potion could give us headaches, migraines and all sorts of head pain. Someone like you mightn't feel as much of the side effects."

Percy sighed in defeat. "Fine. When do you want to do this?"

I smiled happily. "Get back into the dorm straight after dinner."

"Oh!" I said. "And wear your pajamas."

Time skip dedicated to J.K. Rowling for creating the awesome world of Harry Potter.

We all got comfy in pillows and blankets. Hermoine sat next to me on my bed whilst Percy and Harry had their own. As promised, Percy arrived straight after dinner in his pajamas.

"So. . ." Percy said. "How do we start?"

"Just drink this," Hermoine lended Percy a vile of light blue liquid. "Close your eyes and think of your fondest memories as you drink."

Percy looked at her strangely but obliged. As soon as he drank the potion, Percy slumped onto his bed and started snoring.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Percy will be having a dream of his own," Hermoine said. "We need to try not to wake him. As for us. . . "Hermoine took out her wand and muttered a spell in Latin. Immediately, all of our eyes started to droop. Before we knew it, we were all fast asleep, and headed into the mind of Percy Jackson.

God, help us.

Harry's POV:

We were standing in the middle of a museum. There were dozens of people, looking at the art and tapestries. We were in a crowd of kids following a teacher in a wheelchair. The museum looked like it was about an ancient civilisation, but I couldn't be sure.

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