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A/n pov

Y/n opened her eyes as she looked at the off white celling of the hospital room.

She sighed.

She looked at her right and saw Yoongi sleeping on the sofa and on her left side was Jimin sleeping on another sofa.

She told them to go home but being caring brothers they decided that two of them should stay here with her.

She removed the blanket over her and got off the bed as cold feet touched the floor below.

She took the blanket and covered Jimin with it.

She took another blanket from the cupboard which was in the room and covered Yoongi with it as well.

She slowly walked towards the door and opened it.

She went out of the room and slowly closed the door behind, carefully not wanting to disturb their sleep.

She walked towards the rooftop.

She opened the rooftop door and went inside.

She walked towards the railing and stood infront of it, as her hands supported on it.

She looked at the moon.

So beautiful.....

She smiled a little.

That's when smth crossed her mind and her smile fell as she sealed her lips together.

She sat down on the bench that was there

She sighed once again looking at beautiful yet lonely sky

"What's wrong huh!?'

She looked back to see Yoongi

Y/n: oh Yoongi hyung. Sry did i wake you up?

Yoongi:  That's not the answer to my question tho

He said as he sat beside her

Y/n: I didn't get what you meant hyung?

Yoongi: I have been observing you from the time you gained your consciousness. You've been acting strange lately

Y/n: Strange?

Yoongi: strange....like you aren't being yourself

Y/N: No I'm fine. Why do you think so? Don't worry i am fine

Yoongi: I don't actually believe you, doll. I know smth is definitely not right tell me what is it? You know you can't hide the truth

She sighed in defeat.

Y/n: Can i get a hug first?

Yoongi: is that smth to ask huh!?

He hugged her.

She also hugged him tight not wanting to let go.

Yoongi felt smth wet on his shoulder.

Yoongi: Ya Doll why are you crying huh!? Tell me

He asked politely as he rubbed her back slowly.

Y/n: W-why hyung? Why does it always have to b-be me? I-i am tired.....tired of pretending...i always show the world i am strong w-when i an not. You know all people around me j-just leave me. You know how scared I was when i got to know that L-Lexi got k-kidnapped. E-Everyone around me is in danger if i stay with them. S-Some times i feel that i should just leave everyone around m-me and go to some place where n-no one can be hurt because o-of me but then a-again......i can't do that. I don't know if i-i am being selfish or not but i don't wanna leave a-anyone. I want to stay here w-with all of you and e-enjoy my life and fell loved. I have s-suffered a lot i-i don't want that to h-happen again. H-Help me hyung pls. I-I can't do this anymore. I-I am tired.

She hugged him even more tightly, as if he minds about that.

He rubbed her back slowly.

Yoongi: What makes you think you are pretending to be strong huh!? You are strong, even strong people stumble sometimes that doesn't mean that they are weak. Everyone stumbles, not everyone is perfect, not even god himself, that's why he made humans which are imperfect. And if you think because of you, we are the ones in danger then you are right but.....we love you no matter what so we aren't scared of facing the danger. Let me ask you smth. When you got to know that we are the mafia kings did you ever feel that our enemies might do smth to you to make us go down on our position?

She shook her head.

He pulled away from the hug and held her hands gently

Yoongi: Do you know why you never thought smth like that?

Y/n: because i trust you?

Yoongi smiled as he nodded.

Yoongi: That's right. So it's the same way around. We trust you. By we, i just don't mean the seven of us it includes all the people that care for you. I don't need to name them you know those people very well right?

She nodded

Yoongi: You told Lia and Felix that your are an agent and we all the mafia kings did they leave? No right? Then don't think like that we'll leave you. never think like that ok. Be selfish

Y/n: Selfish? 

Yoongi: yes selfish and ask for all the love you deserve. You'll receive all of it am pretty sure about it. You are very kind i know that so you deserve more than you ask. So trust yourself and believe in yourself you'll find a better version of you don't look down on yourself. If you ever again do that I'll slap you hard remember that

Y/n chuckled between her tears. She hugged him again.

Y/n: Thank you so much hyung. Maybe i never realised but i am too luck to have all of you in my life

Yoongi: Now stop crying ok you look bad when you cry

He pulled away and wipped off her tears.

Y/n: The sky is beautiful right

She said as she looked at the sky

Yoongi: indeed it is

She rested her head on his shoulder

Y/n: Never leave me hyung

Yoongi: never, i promise

She smiled.

They stayed like that for a moment.

Yoongi heard little snores, so he looked at her to see her sleeping peacefully.

He kissed her forehead.

Yoongi: sleep well, doll 

He slowly picked her up and took her to the room. 

To be continued............. ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Guys an kind off emotional chap I may say but i had to write this as it my help in further chapters.
It's a small one but hope you liked it.
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Luv u all 💜💜💜......


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