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Echo: Part II

Candles cast an ambient glow against the walls and tall shadows of various nick-nacks sitting innocently on accent tables within the living room. The gruff, short man who'd addressed Echo and Daniel pulled off his wool cap while his wife did the same.

Though the lighting wasn't great, Echo realized they were both young—somewhere in their mid to late twenties. The man's beard had given him an air of intimidation, but up close, his eyes were wary and heavy like a man who'd seen too much in a very short period of time. His wife on the other hand, radiated beauty through her natural smile.

She approached Echo without half the trepidation her husband showed and guided her toward the hallway. "Don't mind Layton. We've seen our share of threats over the past several weeks, and it's made the community skittish."

Her husband's smile was more a grimace, like he was trying to hide gas pains. "And you're too trusting." Tossing a scowl toward Daniel, he spoke to his wife again, who'd paused in the hallway to use the same pained smile on her spouse. "Did you forget the first two weeks after the outbreak?"

The woman sighed. "No, but we can't send everyone away either. They're two people against an entire town; we should help if we can."

"I have no desire to do any of you harm," Daniel interjected, keeping his hands in the air as the couple looked his way "Echo and I have been on the road for hours, we're tired, and we're hungry. We aren't asking you impede upon your hospitality or for any of your supplies. We just want to get back on the road. We have snacks in the car."

The woman frowned before giving Echo a once over and shaking her head. "It's dangerous to travel on your own, especially with looters outside each major city. If the zombies don't get you, those gangs will. Honestly, I'd feel better if you two got food and rest first. You can leave in the morning once you've had sleep."

Layton didn't appear happy as he pointed to the hallway where the woman stood and addressed Daniel. "Bathroom is down that hallway. Freshen up while Sariah and I make a quick dinner. Then we can discuss your arrangements and figure out if you're telling the truth or not."

Sariah looped an arm through Echo's and guided her not to the bathroom Layton had pointed out but up a set of stairs that ascended a few steps before turning another direction when it reached the wall. Then, she brought them into another bathroom and lit another candle.

A modern bathtub with a walk-in shower built next to it stood against one wall while a countertop and pair of sinks dominated another. Colorful cats decorated the towels, curtains, and rug.

"Layton really isn't a bad man," Sariah assured in a soft tone. "He's still upset over all the people we lost between the virus and people murdering members of our community over material items we gladly would have shared if they'd asked."

"What if Daniel and I wanted to do the same?"

"Oh, is that his name?" Sariah wondered aloud. "Layton only told us yours. I think Echo is pretty and unique." She busied herself with setting out a fresh set of towels from beneath the counter. "To answer your question, while I find your companion to be guarded, I saw no reason to be skeptical, and I still don't. You're way too frightened to be an actress, and I doubt you can do much with only one working arm." She flicked her gaze at the limp fabric drooping from where Echo's hand should have been.

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